Mr Blue Eyes

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"CHARLIE! GUYS SHE'S AWAKE! But, ya know, don't scare her or anything..."

Taking in my surroundings, I'm confronted by many, panicked/worried looking online personalities.

Caspar, Alfie, Peej (I think his name is?), Joe, Zoe, Phil, Dan...Tyler Oa-

"QUEEN are you okay?!" Ah speak of the American devil.

"I-I..." trying to sit up slowly I hold a hand to my head attempting to gather my thoughts.

"Hey, now..."

"......You're an 'All Star'..." mumbles Dan with a small smirk.

Tyler tuts, dismissing Dan's joke.

"It's okay. Take it easy." Tyler coos helping me adjust myself on the rather uncomfortable, black, felt sofa.

"Okay clear out you lot, the last thing she needs is blimmin' 30 people gathered around her, come on, out-" Joe says in an attempt to usher as many people out as possible.

I furrow my eyebrows, rubbing my fingertips over my temples in an attempt to stop the slightly overwhelming stress and confusion.

Two bright blue, concerned looking eyes come into view and I'm face to face with Phil.

"Are you okay?" he asks, with a small smile.

I smile back, because it's Phil. And shake my head 'no'.

Phil's eyes soften as his smile leaves his face, and he pulls me into his chest carefully and protectively. I let out a shaky breath and wrap my arms around his waist gently, burying my face in his jumper, instantly warmed by his embrace.

He slowly and subtly rocks from side to side, moving us both carefully, and shushing me as I let out a quiet sob.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. I'm here." he comforts.

I can hear the small smile on his lips. He always tries to keep situations as positive as possible. And that's why I love Phil.

Again, I can't help but smile. As I pull back he wipes away a stray tear from my cheek. He sits up and I cuddle into his side momentarily. Just a small gesture as a thank you, I guess.

"Let me get you a drink love, you've lost a lot of water." he says referring to my crying.

I nod and smile as he wraps his arms around me and places a small friendly kiss on my temple.

Ruffling my hair playfully, he stands up and leaves to get some water.

The door makes a soft thudding noise as it closes, and I take a deep breath, closing my eyes for a second and resting my head in my hands...


", not you too. You can't, please! You're better than this...Y-you promised you'd never hurt me! No please! J-"


"Charlie! Wake up!"

My eyes open and my head shoots up, my body quickly jolting away from the hands that were shaking me awake.

"Hey! Woah, are you okay? You were mumbling and shaking, I-I figured I should wake you..."

I look into his blue/green eyes and struggle for words.

Joe wraps his arms around me slowly, and pulls me into a hug, my head resting on his shoulder.

I make eye contact with Dan behind him, who looks confused. He opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted when the door opens.

"Got your water, lion! Sorry I took so long there were lots of people and-...hey, everything okay?"

I pull away from Joe and nod to Phil, smiling reassuringly, to which Dan looks more confused, his eyebrows furrowing, and his shoulders tensing ever so slightly...

...but he says nothing more.

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