Greetings from America

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It's safe to say that jet lag has hit me like a truck.

We've been in L.A for about 4 hours now, and at this current moment in time, I'm laying face down on my bed grumbling at Joe, who's pestering me to get up.

"Char, it's only 4:30 here. If you go to sleep now you'll only make it worse for yourself." He says trying to sound serious, but I can here his slight smirk on his face.

"Mphhhh" I grumble into the crisp white sheets remaining still, most likely looking like a deflated walrus.

"Charlieee, I'm warning you..."


"Right then, I see how it is."

I don't hear anything for a while and get my hopes up, maybe he's finally left me alone...

Just then I feel myself being lifted from the bed by strong arms.

"WOAH-" I say holding onto the nearest thing I can for dear life, which appears to be Joe. Oh for fu-

"Right come on, we're going to socialise."

"EW NO." I say, but by that time I'm already being carried out of the hotel room and placed on the floor.

"Joeeeee come on, you know how bad I am at social interaction."

"Dan will be there to emotionally support and relate to you, don't worry."

"Ugh fine, whatever you say, your majesty."

He smirks in victory and we walk down to the lobby where people are starting to arrive. I try to remember their names:

There's Tyler Oakley, Joey Grasshopper?...or something along those lines...Dan and Phil of course...

Oh who's that guy again? Oh shoot he's looking at me. SHOOT he's smiling. WHO ARE YOU? Oh god he's coming over, ohgodohgodohgod.

"Charlieeeee!" The tall blonde boy says engulfing me in a hug. That accent...

"Oh, hi Caspar!" Nailed it.

"Babe, how are you? I'm so sorry I couldn't visit you in hospital, I was visiting my family in South Africa. What did the doctors say? Everything okay?"

"Everything's just fine, a couple of bumps and scratches but nothing too bad." I say smiling, feeling a pang of guilt for lying...

"I'd better go talk to the others, see you around!" He says enthusiastically. God love him.

"See ya." I say quietly watching him walk over to Joe and hugging him tightly, I smile at their friendship, seeing Joe so happy to see him-

"Hola amigo." I spin around to see a tired looking Dan standing in front of me, holding a drink of some kind, it's only small so I doubt he's drunk already.

"Hey, that's rude."

"What?" He asks confused.

"You called me amigo, I'm pretty sure it's amiga for a girl."

"Damn, for someone who's lost their memory you sure are still capable of being a smart arse." He whispers cheekily, smirking while sipping his drink. Thankfully no one was listening in to hear him.

I hit his arm playfully and chuckle but try to keep a serious tone.

"Hey, take it easy, do you want the entire of L.A. to know what happened?"

"Sorry." He says and we both smile. Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.

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