A new beginning

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-Three days later-

I'm alone now.

I've been laying in this room for the last few days, staring at the plain white ceiling, waiting for something to happen. The only thing that came close is the nurse coming in and out of my room every few hours for check up. I haven't seen Zoe or Joe since that first day, and to be perfectly honest, I feel alone.

You wouldn't think it, considering I've just been in a coma (which I have now been told lasted almost 3 months) and I've only known them for so long. But here I am, deprived of sleep, confused, just waiting for...something.



I look to the door in hope for a while.
But no one comes...

-The next day-

*knock knock*

I must be hearing things...

*knock knock knock*

Am I finally going insane?...


"C-come in" I say doubting myself slightly.

The door opens, and my two siblings walk in the room holding a medium sized box.

"Y-you came back." I say quietly, but they hear.

"Of course we did! Sorry we left you for so long, but we've been getting all of this together." Zoe says, motioning to the box that has now been placed at the bottom of the bed.

"What's all this?" I ask

"THIS..." Joe begins "is how we are going to help you get your life back." He smiles.

I'm still confused as Zoe places a book on my lap. It says 'Photos' on the front, and it's made of a dark, red, leather.

She opens up the first page, and I see a picture of me and a boy. He looks around the same age as Joe and Zoe. He has brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, and in the picture we are both laughing whilst sat together.

"This is Dan Howell." Joe says. "He is practically your best friend, which, in a way, is kinda weird because he's much older, but you two have a strong bond." I smile at the photo and Joe flips the page over.

This time I am with a boy with a similar hair cut to Dan's, however he has black hair, it's much straighter, swept back in a quiff, and he has bright sky blue eyes. We're both smiling and hugging.

"This is Phil Lester. He is also very close friends with you and lives with Dan, they are also both best friends, but a lot of people say that they have something more." Zoe says wiggling her eyebrows at her last comment. I giggle softly.

This time, I flip the page over. The next picture is of a huge group of people, Zoe, Joe, Dan, Phil and I are all in the photo in the middle of the group. Everyone has arrows coming off them, which are annotated with their names and a short statement.

Dan Howell - sarcastic, loves the colour black, nerd, Internet cult leader, tumblr, don't call him DanIsNotOnFire unless you want to live, 'Daniel Howell'.

Phil Lester - innocent, lions, bright colours, always happy, northern, 'AmazingPhil'.

Caspar Lee - pizza, Joes best friend, pizza, South African, pizza, 'CasparLee'.

Alfie Deyes - cackle laugh, Zoes boyfriend, pugs, positive, 'PointlessBlog'.

Marcus Butler - gym lad, healthy eater, Alfie's best friend, 'MarcusButlerTV'.

Tyler Oakley - American, sassy, queen of ALL, lgbtq+, 'TylerOakley'.

Jonathan Joly, 'SacconeJolys'.
Mark Fischbach, 'Markiplier'.
Sean/Jack McLoughlin, 'Jacksepticeye'.

And the list goes on.

"What are all the names at the end of each one?" I ask

"Joe, you didn't tell her about YouTube?!" Zoë says.

"I've been with her as long as you have!" He replies.

"Okay Charlie. This is going to sound weird, but just trust me..." Zoe says "...all of us have one thing in common. We're all youtubers. Including you. We make videos and put them on the Internet for people to see, and let's just say a lot of people watch us."

"Soooo, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you're famous Charlie. You have seven million subscribers."

I nearly chocked on the air right then and there.



For the next few days, I sit revising for the biggest, longest, and hardest test I will ever take. My new life.

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