Gone wrong

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The screaming is almost overwhelming.

In fact, it's-

"Charlie?" the host says into the microphone, her words echoing around the venue.

"Ohwhat? Sorry, yes?" everyone giggles at my silliness and I smile shyly.

I make eye contact with Joe who smiles reassuringly, which I return, feeling slightly more confident.

"Okay!" the hostess begins "So today you guys have been set up to play a surprise game for our audience!"

"Oh no..." I mumble forgetting everyone can hear me and they all laugh again as I look ever so slightly mortified. I hear a distinct laugh from beside me and spin in my chair to see Dan stood at the side of the stage. I give him the evils and he only laughs again, I smile and turn my attention back once more to what's happening on stage.

"So, today we are going to be playing...BEST FRIEND VS SISTER!"

Everything goes quiet...for me, that is. In reality everyone is cheering.

But I'm currently making eye contact with Joe as we both look panicked.

I look over to Dan who shares the same expression. His face has fallen as he stands unknowing of what to do. We didn't know about this.

No one knows about my memory loss. We are literally going to play a memory game. Yeah, hence we're a tad concerned.

"I'M GONNA WIIIIN" Caspar chants earning laughs from everyone. I fake smile.

"In your dreams Mr Lee!" I reply still keeping the same smile.

Joe sits in silence. Dan still hasn't moved. He's talking to Phil now. His face drops. We make eye contact. I look to the floor, and look up pretending to smile once more.

"Okay so first question is for Charlie! We're going to start off easy." She says with a wink. "When is your brothers birthday?"

She almost states it rather than asking. Because of course I would know the answer. He's my brother. I've known him for years, right?

"It's um...it's the...I, uh..."


I've known him for two weeks. And apparently that wasn't enough time for me to memorise the day he was born, as suddenly the lights get a bit too bright. The audience gets a bit too big. The buzzing sound of the microphones gets a bit too loud. My breathing gets a bit too heavy. And the room starts to get a bit too black. I start to get a bit too panicked. I start to get a bit too close to the floor.

Everything stops...

I pass out cold...

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