Bad dreams and airplane rides

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Next thing I know I'm on the plane to LA. Yep that's right, because I'm heading to Vidcon!

Now I know, I know, it sounds stupid.

It's not been all that long since I've woken up, however I've been endlessly receiving messages from fans hoping I'm okay and that I can still go to meet them.

They all know about everything that's happened, but just not the memory loss. We're still trying our best to keep that on the down low.

We spoke to the doctors and they decided that it was okay for me to leave because they had seen improvement and thought I'd be okay to go.

So here I am, waiting for the plane to take off. I grip the arm rests tightly as we start moving. According to Joe -who's sat on my left- I've always been terrified of flying.

I tense up as we start going faster and I feel a hand on my right arm. I glance over and look at Dan who's trying his best to comfort me. He puts his hand on mine and whispers

"Close your eyes, I'll tell you when it's over."

I nod and close my eyes tightly, gripping the arm rests more as we start coming off the ground. I realise I'm holding my breath and feel Dan squeeze my hand for support. I look over at him and he smiles reassuringly. I close my eyes again and wait for it to be over.

"Charlie..." Dan puts his hand on my shoulder and I hesitantly open my eyes, and look at him.

"That's it." He says smiling and I slowly loosen my grip on the seat.

"That was it?..." I ask.

"Yep." He says chuckling lightly.

"That wasn't so bad." I say, still a bit nervous about the rest of the flight.

He smiles and looks out the window. I reach down into my bag and get my phone and headphones and listen to twenty one pilots (who I apparently had an obsession with.)

I feel a tap on the shoulder and pause the song I was listening to 'Ode to Sleep' and turn around.

Behind me are Zoë, Phil and Alfie. I turn to face Zoë who's smiling brightly.

"You okay Char? How did you handle the take off?"

"It was scary but not as bad as I thought." I reply smiling back (her smile is contagious I swear.)

"Yeah I think you got that from me, I hate flights. Let me know if you need anything." She says returning back to her conversation with Phil, Alfie was currently editing his daily vlog.

"Thanks Zo."

I turn back around and close Spotify, returning my phone and headphones to my bag and decide to try and get some sleep so I'm not too jet lagged by the time we arrive.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep...

(⚠️ trigger warning: abusive relationship)

"You're nothing but a worthless little whore!"

"No! Please Callum, please don't-"

"Shut up! This is what you deserve."

I feel a sharp pain on my left cheek, and tears start to fill my eyes.


He hits me again.

"Shut up! You have no right to speak."

He raises his hand high, and in one quick movement his hand comes down towards my face and-


My eyes shoot open and I sit up quickly. I look around and realise it was a dream...but, was it?...


I turn to my right only to be greeted by Dans big brown orbs, staring into my green ones with concern.

"Are you okay?" He whispers. The rest of the plane is silent apart from the odd snore or two. I turn to see Joe asleep next to me. Dan taps me on the shoulder.

"Earth to Charlie? Are you going deaf?" He whispers chuckling quietly, his dimples showing.

"I-uh-yeah. I'm fine." I whisper.

"Yeah well, your shaking hands say otherwise."

I look down and no doubt about it my hands look like they're being possessed or something.

"Nightmare?" He asks.

I nod as the images run through my mind again. I'm certain that was more than just a dream...

He sympathetically wraps his arm around me pulling me into his side and I rest my head on his chest.

"Go back to sleep, we've still got a little while before we land." He whispers resting his head on top of mine.

"Okay...Dan?" I respond.

"Yes Char?"

"Who's Callum?"


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