Chapter 6 Jealousy Will Get You Nowhere

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Layla POV's 

I've been seening that everybody has been giving Julia a lot of attention lately since that thing that happen between Julian and her plus I am super jealous I mean oh she starts cutting herself and tries to kill herself so what boo who I could care less. So anyway I was thinking that I should come with this plan where I beat myself up and make it look like Langston did it then I'll get all that attention and everybody will forgot about that crazy bitch Julia hahahaha. Anywho since Langston and the boys went to the store I decided to get ahead start with my plan I walked into Langston's room I closed the door and locked it I walked to his dresser and pulled out his rainy day jar it was mostly fulled with coins instead of cash I took off my sock and fulled my sock with the coins I gripped the sock real good hitted my face with it really hard damn this shit hurt but it's worth I continuously beated my face with it. 

(15 Minutes Later)

After 15 minutes of doing that I looked at my face in the mirror I looked pretty bad I had bruises on my face and two black eyes plus it was a lil blood coming from my nose but it's still looks good at the same time I poured Lang's coins back in his jar I closed it and put it back in his dresser then I put my sock back went downstairs.

Denise POV's

"Uno!" Julia yelled "Damn this is the thrid time you got uno" I complained "So" she said smiling I flipped her off she flipped me off back too "I'm go to the bathroom" Julia said "K" I said Julia went to the bathroom while I shuffled the cards "Hey Denise" A voice said I looked back saw..OH.MY.GOSH. I gasp as I saw Layla's face "What happen to you're face?" I asked worried "Oh nothing just Langston beat up no biggie" she said why was she denying this "This is total biggie wait why did he beat you up?" asked "I don't know all I know is last night he came in all drink and high then he starts trippin next thing I knew was him duck tapping my mouth so you couldn't hear me scream as he beats me" she explained "Ok so let's get you cleaned up...Julia hurry up in there" I said "Why?" she said "Cuz we have to get Layla" I said she came out the bathroom spraying febreze "Ok so why was you interrupting my shit tak..." Julia cut herself off as she look at Layla's face "What happen to you're face Layla?" Julia asked "Long story short Langston can in one night drink and high and beat me" Layla explained "Ok" Julia said "That was why I was trying to hurry up in there..but since you just took a shit we use the bathroom that is upstairs" I said "K" Julia said.

(Skipping The Part Where Julia and Denise Clean Up Layla)

(Later That Night)

Layla POV's 

So far it seems to be that my plan is working but I have a backup plan...if anybody and I mean anybody gets in my way from getting my attention I might have to kill them with no remorse.

1.How did you guys that this chapter?

2.Do u think Layla is a crazy bitch?

3.Did I do ok?

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