Chapter TEN

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Sitting on the bottom step of the staircase is Bobbi with her arms over her chest. Plans on listening in on the conversation between her father and Roberto, wanting to know if Roberto would do his time for destroying the flower shop she loved, but unfortunately Nicholas stands over her with his hand out to her to help her up. Bobbi takes one last look at the closed doors, which separates the dining room from the living room, and wonders what they're discussing in there.

Truth be told, she doesn't exactly want Roberto to go to jail. Well, not for now at least. For something so dear to her heart, she thinks the perfect punishment is for him to work on the shop and do time in prison after. She knows if her dad hires carpenters to finish the job, he won't allow her to get in the way. The only way she can decorate Gracious Gardens is as long as Roberto is too. It's too late for her to realise this and it's probably too late to keep it that way.

Nobody knows, but she secretly hopes the deal remains as it is.

She sticks her jaw out and puffs out air. 'Fine.'

After she takes Nick's outstretched hand, she wipes down her jeans and together they leave the house to go on a walk. For Bobbi, their walk is around the block a couple of times until she sees her front door open with Roberto leaving.

In the dining room, Lucas and Roberto sit opposite each other at the table. Silent since Roberto showed up, and he shows no emotions.

Lucas rubs his forehead; he doesn't know what to say. Thought Roberto had no problem with their deal. He thought Gracious Gardens would be back to the way it was, just a couple of weeks, maybe before the New Year. Doesn't know what to say, so he states, 'Bobbi tells me you quit,' to give Roberto the opportunity to explain himself.

After he swallows hard, Roberto rubs the back of his neck. He doesn't look scared, no emotions could be seen – and it's his future at risk! His eyebrows furrow and he says, 'Where is- uh, never mind.' He slowly closes his eyes and breathes through his nose.

Looking around the kitchen, he says, 'I didn't mean it.' His voice barely audible as he clears his throat after his words are said.

The solemn expression on his face shows he's thinking of his life. 'We were arguing and I guess I lost it.' Not once did he look at Lucas. Keeps his eyes on the table and says firmly, 'It won't happen again. I promise.'

Lucas almost looks disappointed. 'Roberto we had a deal-'

'I know and I keep it!' Roberto interjects. Runs his hands through his hair twice. 'Excuse me for interrupting, but give me another chance, please. I see where I was wrong. It won't happen again.' He leans back on his chair, his head up as he looks at the ceiling, and then squeezes his eyes shut.

Lucas observes Roberto's stressed demeanour and looks at the corner of the room where a picture of Olivia is on a shelf. Can't ignore the pain in his chest. 'I'm a good man at heart. I see the good in everyone.'

Roberto slowly looks at Lucas and wonders where he's going with this.

'You're just a kid. When I'm old I don't want to look back on the part of my life where I sent a kid to jail. I'm not one to do that. I haven't got it in me. I know you burnt down my flower shop and that is a serious crime.' Roberto looks back down at the table. He squeezes his eyes shut and opens them, his eyes focused on the same spot on the table.

'I...' Roberto whispers. He clears his throat before he starts again. 'I'm sorry.' He slowly shakes his head, takes a deep breath and sits up straight. Furrows his eyebrows as he looks at Lucas. 'If you could hear-'

Lucas interrupts, getting a feeling he's going to apologise, which he's done enough of, and in a way he reassures Roberto that he's keeping their deal; if that's what Roberto was going to bring up, Lucas sensed it coming.

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