Chapter THIRTY

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Bobbi Grace holds up a drunk Roberto to keep him steady in front of his door. She doesn't know what to expect after she raises her hand and presses the doorbell.

Roberto swings his head over in her direction, looks at her with an arched eyebrow. 'You said I was going home.' His voice is mixed with disappointment and confusion.

From the other side of the door they hear footsteps and Carlos giving out. 'Here he comes now. Wait until he falls through that door, I will give him a lecture he will never forget because I swear he is getting on my last nerve, Donna. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of him and his ways.' His voice is clearer as Bobbi hears him at the door. 'You might want to hold me back, babe, before I do something I regret.'

Bobbi is gobsmacked at what she hears. Her breathing hitches and her grip on Roberto's upper arm tightens, who doesn't look the least moved by his father's words. She has the right mind to take Roberto to her house. If Carlos even thinks about hitting Roberto, she will turn around and bring him home and convince her dad to let him stay. Too late to make the choice, the front door swings open and reveals a surprised Carlos. Probably didn't think he'd see Bobbi Grace with his drunk son.

'Roberto, where have you been?' he asks in a concerning voice. Smiles at Bobbi, but she wants to narrow her eyes on him, knowing what he's truly like behind closed doors. Instead, she forces a closed lip smile.

Roberto sways to his left but she helps him keep his balance. He smiles gratefully at her, leans into her ear. 'That's my dad,' he whispers, his breath tickling her ear. I'm sorry about that, she thinks to herself. 'Hello my male creator. Proud of me?' He grins widely, his white teeth at show and his eyes squeeze shut.

Carlos looks down at the floor, embarrassed. 'Thank you for bringing my son home,' he says to Bobbi, polite.

'You're welcome.'

Roberto scans the garden behind him, looking for something. 'Where's this son of yours you speak of?' His eyes gleam as he turns to face Bobbi. 'Ha, ha. "Speak of". That sounded smart like... Just like... uh, Star Trek! That's smart with their—' he does the Vulcan salute—'Live long and prospect.' Closes his eyes whilst he cracks up, his shoulders shaking up and down.

'I've never watched the show, but I'm pretty sure it's "Live long and prosper".' She snickers as she wonders if he always said it like that ever since he first heard it.

His head shoots back, eyebrows knit together in great confusion as the right side of his upper lip twitches up. 'Why would it be prosper?' he asks, perplexed, his eyes wide and he looks at her like she's weird. His face softens as he looks at her, pitiful. 'Silly, silly girl.' He puts on a British accent whilst he pats her head.

She pouts as his actions, hates feeling short. Although, she does think he's funny and quite the entertainer when he's drunk.

Carlos puts a hand on Roberto's shoulder and ushers him inside. 'Come on. Thanks again.'

Roberto quickly grabs her wrist and she follows them inside, unwillingly. 'You heard the man, come on.' Donna walks out of the kitchen, sad to see her son in his state. 'Come see the happy family,' he says, sarcasm dripping from his voice. He introduces Bobbi to his mother, and even though she's met them all before she understands why he's doing this again and it leaves an ache in her stomach. Bobbi dearest, meet the female creator,' his free hand shoots up and cheers, 'let's meet the creations! You obviously know me, of course, so where's Mattie and Cammie?' He turns to his mother with a questioning stare.

Creators, creations... what? There's a faint hint of a smile on her lips, but she refrains herself from giggling. This boy is crazy. She fixes her hair with one hand as Roberto still has a grip on the other.

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