Intro to Wizard Academia

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Selena and Simon were in a basement in Selena's home. Simon got a book and put it on the table, he opened the book. He started saying a spell on the book, Selena was looking around the room seeing nothing changed. Then a big color of blue filled out the whole room.
She found herself on a warpad (Steven Universe warpad) in a purplish room with trophies, blue spheres of energy , some hourglasses here and there. Selena was curious, where was she, she looked around at the room. Simon on the other hand was on a counter with a lady setting papers aside.
The lady had black hair and was wearing a black shirt with a blue wand symbol on the corner of her shirt and she had black pants.

Simon started jumping to get her attention.

"Hey! Um...Hello?"
he said.

The lady looked at him and looked back at the papers.
"Listen, cat, go back and find your master...this isn't a place for strays..." She said.

"Hey! I am here to put someone in a school! And I am NOT a stray!" Simon said.

"Right...if you aren't then who is your owner?"
She asked while putting the papers in stacks.

"In case you haven't notice if you will look into my eyes you'll see everything" Simon said.

The lady stopped and looked at Simon...

Immediately she stood up and went to get the papers.

"Sign this"
The lady said.

Simon dipped his paw into the ink and stamped it. The Lady looked at the cat and the paw print.

"That...can work too I guess"
She said.
"Go take a look around with your kid, and stay safe"

"Selena! C'mon!" Simon called.

Selena stopped and started following Simon. They passed a lot of old rooms which were full of dust and moss. That's strange? Since when did plants manage to get in rooms? Selena thought. Finally they came to a clean room, but yet dusty.

"Here is your room...and key..."
Said the lady. She walked away.

"So much for kindness..."
Simon muttered.

Selena grabbed the keys and opened the door room, surely no one was in the room and there was dust on the doorknob.

" long do I have be here in"
Selena asked to Simon.

"I suppose for 5 years"

"5 YEARS!! Simon that's a really long time! Why 5 YEARS!!"

"Selena, do you want to be a powerful Wizard or not?"

Selena got on the bed and laid there with her arms up.

"Yeah, I do but...I didn't expect that it would take THAT long..."
Selena said in frustration.

"Well you might want to check around the school and get "use to it" in here, alright? I'll clean this place."

Selena got off of the bed and went to the door.

"You sure you can handle cleaning?"

Selena asked, she wasn't comfortable of a cat cleaning the room.

Simon commanded with a smile.

Selena went and got out of the room.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now