Home Sweet Home

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Everything was purple-ish dark.  Selena, Simon, Luna, and Connor were still in the school. Connor was just leading them to his home. They then saw a room that was colored  purple on the outside. Connor took out his wand and said a spell to open his room.

"Welcome, to my room...I guess?" He said.

"Well then, thanks again Connor, you saved me" Selena said.

"Once again, it's nothing " Connor said with a smile.

They gang went inside his room. But it didn't look like a room. It looked like a house! It had a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and everything!

"Well, how did you get all this stuff ?" Simon asked.

"I used some...spells..." Connor said.

"Really?" Simon looked at Connor.

"Hey, who says that I can't have some fun!" Connor said.

Simon rolled his eyes.

"So I guess we could stay...here?" Luna said.

"You sure can, besides sometimes I feel alone in here, so I wouldn't mind for company!" Connor smiled.

Selena looked around the room. There was a medium size T.V., a clear glass table in the kitchen, the red couch. It kinda looked a little fancy. It was really clean.

"So you live here alone?" asked Selena.

"Well, yes and...no, I sometimes get visitors..." Connor said.

"Oh, ok...but like, what kind of visitors?" Selena said.

"Friends...and....yeah..." Connor said.

"Oh, ok...well then, I guess we can stay here for the night. Right Simon? Wait how long can we stay here?" Selena asked.

"Well for one day, your parents might freak out if you stay here for more that 10 minutes..." Simon said.

"Oh, ok..." Selena said.

Connor was totally confused.
"Why- W-What?" He said.

"Well you see Connor, Selena has to live in another world, that is the real world..." Simon said.

"Oh...um, okay?" He said.

Simon got on the red couch. 

"Yeah, two different worlds...it's something..." Simon closed his eyes and went to sleep.

"Awwww, doesn't he look cute! Selena said.

Connor smirked. "Yeah, he is a cat anyways" Connor said.

"So you like cats?" Selena asked.

"I like any animal actually..." Connor said.

"Inclusind Wolves!" Luna turned into her wolf form.

"Including wolves..." Connor said.

"Speaking of animals, Simon must be really tired now, I think we should sleep now..." Selena said.

"We can sleep on my bed, well, you two can, I'll just sleep...next to Simon..." Connor said.

"No, I'll sleep next to Simon, this is your home" Selena said.

Connor smiled. "Alright...your choice" He said.

He then went to his room. Selena went closer to Simon and petted him. She layed on the couch and slept. Luckily there was a carpet on the floor for Luna. Luna rested on the floor. Connor came out of his room and saw Luna.


The wolf looked at him.

"We can sleep on my bed if you want? I mean, I can't just have a visitor sleep on the floor...just turn back into your human form..." He said.

Luna turned back into her normal form and went into Connor's room. It had a bed. Big enough for two people on it. Luna got on the bed. Next to Connor. She was blushing like crazy, so she turned aroind so her back was facing him. Connor covered himself with the covers and went to sleep. Luna did the same.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now