Forget and Get It!

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The gang (Selena, Fran, & Simon) kept on running from the dragon. Fran looked at Selena and Simon. She paused.

"W-Wait, Where is Luna?!?!" She cried worriedly.

Simon stopped running, Selena as well.

"I thought-wasnt she-Dont tell me she went with Connor!" Simon said.

"I think your right Simon, but I dont see Luna or Connor, only that little cave that the dragon is blocking" Selena said.

"They might be there...but what about the dragon? How can we pass that?" Simon said.

"Oh, I know! Fran! Couldn't you turn the dragon into Bacon?" said Selena.

"W-Well, I could but I can rarely do a spell like that, it takes too much power from my wand..." Fran said.

"Oh, well, um...Simon got any ideas?" Selena asked.

Simon took a deep sigh.
"I guess I could distract it..."

"How?" Fran asked.

"Not the point! You two get in the cave and get Luna & Connor out of there while I distract. Got that?"

The two nodded.

"Alright now hide!" Simon commanded.

Selena and Fran hid behind one of the chambers.

"Yo! What do you get when a dragon sneezes?" Simon asked to the dragon.

The dragon just looked at him.

"BREATH WEAPON!" Simon shouted, he then started laughing.

"Out of the way" The dragon roared. It started chasing Simon.

"uh, oh...GOT TO RUN!!!!" Simon said. He ran around in circles and went deep into the chambers. The dragon was still following him.

"Now is our chance!" Selena said, she ran into the cave.

"What do you call a dragon sneeze's? Breath Weapon! Oh my wand, Simon you are hilarious!" Fran said, she then went inside the cave.

Selena's Quest Book #3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora