The Dark Path...?

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Simon looked up and saw Selena.

"What are you doing! You should have brought your broom!" he said.

Selena looked blank,

"Oh yeah... HELP!" She cried out.

Simon and Selena both started panicking.

"Stop!" Simon said.

Selena and Simon stopped panicking.

"Ok, let's continue..." Simon said.

Then they both started panicking... again. Connor and Fran looked at each other...

"Well...that's wait, they are panicking again..."
Connor said as he looked at Selena and the cat falling, he dived down with the broom.

"What's the plan?" Fran asked.

Connor looked down,
"Alright you get the cat, and I'll get the girl" He said.

Fran leaned lower and went fast to catch Simon.

Simon looked up,

"Uh, oh, I mean Yay! Selena we will be sav-"

But at that instant Fran already took the cat and had it behind her in the broom.

"Guess Fran got it, now Selena,"
Conor said to himself. He leaned down, went under Selena, and had her behind his broom.

"Yay! Thanks Connor!" Selena said.

"Um...your welcome..." Conor said.

Suddenly Conor felt something tug the broom, so hard he tried to force the broom up.

"What's wrong?" Selena asked looking at the broom.

"I don't know, something is bringing this broom down, it's as if we are being pulled down by some force or something!"

At that last sentence the broom was pushed straight at the wall. Selena and Connor vanished.

"SELENA!" Simon yelled.

"Uh, oh...this is a trap!" Fran said, she pulled her broom up very fast to go back to the room.

"Wondered what happened to them..." She said to Simon.


"Whoa!" Selena and Connor yelled as they fell to the floor, rolling down to an end of a hill. Connor rolled down from the hill and stopped when he crashed to a wall, and he got hit hard. Selena just rolled down from the hill. The broom bounce on, and off the floor, it then broke into two and disappeared into pieces of rainbow shards.

Connor looked as the broom disappeared in front of his eyes.
"M-my was innocent!😭" He cried in the inside

"What was that? Didn't we just crashed into a wall?" Selena said.

"There might have not been a wall at all, it was an Illusion..." Connor said with ignoring his broom's tragic death.

"Another Illusion?! Man, this is's like a maze!" Selena said.

"It is, that's what this academy is for, to train ourselves to follow a path that we chose on our own, following our ways and...ourselves..." Connor said.

"Whoa, you must know a lot about this academy!" Selena said.

Conor blushed, "I-I...I live here..." he said, he then looked down to his knees.

Selena looked at him, she was concerned.

Connor looked back up with a smile, "Well, enough talking, we must get out of here" he said, he then stood up.

Selena nodded.

" do we do now?" Selena asked.

"Now we need to walk..."
Conor looked down to his feet.
"Seems like someone has been here before us..." he said.

"What do you mean?"

Connor kneeled down, grabbed the dust with his hands, and examined it.

"I mean that someone used to live here, they left a dark black path here..." Selena looked at the dust closely, she saw black ashes scattered in a line.

" we-"

"Yup! Follow the path, it might be our only way out of here..."

"Alright...well then...let's go..?"

Selena and Connor followed the black ashes that led to a path.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now