Day #3

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Selena and the kids were walking down a tunnel. It was dark, the air was moist, and the floor was wet. Selena still had Simon in her arms and looked at him.

"Um...are you sure this was necessary?" Fran asked in a whisper.

"Well, Yes! What, we should just let her become a snack for a dragon?!"
The boy said in a low tone.

"Well..." Fran rolled her eyes.

The boy stopped, and didn't even bother talking back to Fran. He turned to see Selena.

"Hey, um...don't you have a place to stay while you were here?" he asked.

Selena looked back up.
"Well...there is one..." She answered.


The kids then were in a room, the same room Selena and Simon were in when they ate the rat. Selena decided to put the cat down on the floor. He was still motionless.

"Do you think he will be okay?" She asked.

The boy looked at the cat and touched it's fur.

"It seems I wouldn't worry much" He said.

"Oh, ok..." Selena said.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Selena went outside of the room to get something.

The boy and Fran didn't know what to do, but looked at each other and shrugged. Selena then came out with blankets.

"I want to thank you for saving me! So, I got you two blankets to stay here!" She said with a smile.

Fran grabbed the blanket and put it over herself.
"Whoah, this is sweet, and so soft!" She said.

The boy wrapped himself with the blanket. He gave a little smile at Selena, then looked at Fran, he looked at the blanket.

"D-Don't thank us, I just, I mean we just, couldn't let you become dragon snacks..." He said.

Fran just looked at the boy
"Oh, Right, -She realized - Um, this was awkward but I don't think we introduced ourselves! My name is Franbow , but you can just call me Fran!" she said.

"You can call me Connor ..." the boy said.

"Nice to meet you, Fran... Connor, I'm Selena! And my cat's name is Simon.

"Hello Selena, what brings you here to...well you know here?" a Connor.

"Well, um, my cat brought me here, so I can learn and-" Selena paused, she looked at the cat.
Simon started to move and groan, He was Awake! Simon then got up, he paused and looked at Selena and the kids.

"INTRUDERS!" he cried.
He pushed Selena down and was about to jump at Connor.

"Stay Back or I'll-"

"Simon No! They are good not bad! They saved us!" Selena shouted.

Simon just looked at Selena then at the kids, and back at Selena, he took a few steps back.

"Listen Selena, these kids probably brainwashed you or something the-"

Simon paused and looked at Selena's eyes,the eyes were looking so true yet, honest. He looked down then at the kids. He gave a sigh,

"Alright, I believe you...but if something goes's their fault!" He said.

"Nothing would go wrong, trust me!"

Connor said with a smile, and his hand in a grip on his chest, he held the blanket on the other hand.
Fran just rolled her eyes,

"He really means it you know" Fran said.

Simon walked around the room as he spoke, he said

"Alright, you have my trust, but if something goes wrong I- wait what the...?"

The floor was cracking and it fell. Simon yelled out as he fell along with the floor. The kids just stood there in shock.

"Simon Wait Up!" Selena got in the hole of the floor and chased down for Simon.

Connor was shocked, he looked at Fran,

"Well, it's his fault!" he joked with a nervous laugh to Fran. Fran rolled her eyes

"C'mon Conn, no more Puns, or else they' ll turn into Pancakes..."

She grabbed her broom and went after Selena and Simon. Connor took a big sigh, whistled to get out his broom, and did the same as well.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now