Trickery Up The Fur

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Alright, this is where a new character will show up in the story, so yeah (totally not my friend...😓 & I don't own the art for this pic)

Connor and the kids kept walking. Finally they were in the chambers. Thanks to Fran's broom they were able to go up and get out of the room

"Man, I'm so hungry..." Connor said.

"Since when?" Fran asked.

"Since I said I was"

"😑...😒 yeah...whatever"

Suddenly something was making a noise deep down in the chambers. Connor and Fran looked at each other.

"Didn't you kill the dragon?" Connor asked.

"I did! But..." Fran had a worried expression on her face.

Simon stopped and smelled the place. Selena kept looking around, she was so confused.

"I don't think it's a dragon I think it's a-" Simon paused.

A howl was heard.

It came louder, louder, and it was coming close. Connor got his sword and stood in front of the group. He didn't know what he was going to face, but he didn't want to just stand there and do nothing.


A wolf came into view from the shadows. It kept running, running, and running, until it crashed to Simon.

"GAHHH!" Simon yelled.

The wolf was already on top of him. Connor just stood there and did nothing. Which he didn't want to do in the first place Selena and Fran just stared. The wolf licked Simon's face.

"Ew, Stop, I'm not a chew toy!" Simon yelled.

"Oh so you really are a cat" the wolf said.

"Course I am, What Else Do I Look like?!"

The wolf just stared at the cat.

This wolf was all white, except it had a blue streak on it's fur. It then went back to licking at Simon.

Connor just thought this was awkward so he just covered his eyes with his hand.

"Alright, that's enough licking😕, get out of here you..." Fran looked at the wolf.

"Blue Moon... My name is Blue Moon" Said the wolf.

"Well...Blue Moon...can you...get off the Cat..." Fran said slowly.

"Well...seems like a talking wolf is enough for one day..." Connor said.

The wolf looked at Connor. It turned into a human all of a sudden. She had brown puffy hair, and brown eyes, she was wearing a tank top and shorts. She stared at him for a moment.

"Did... something happen...?" Asked Connor with his eyes covered.

"Not awkward anymore, the wolf turned into a human..." Fran said.

Connor took his hands off of his eyes and looked at the werewolf. They stared at each other.

"Hi there!" said the werewolf

"um...hi..." Connor replied awkwardly

"Name's Luna! What's yours?" Luna said.

"My name is Connor...and this is Selena, Fran, and Simon..." he said.

"Hey Simon , um I'm sorry I licked your face" Luna apologized

"I-It's was just... awkward..." Simon turned his head away from Luna.

"So um...-Connor interrupted- what are you doing here, I never seen a werewolf in this Academy before"

"Well long story short, Wizards came to me, because I was turning into a werewolf during a night of a full moon and they brought me here into this dungeon ever since , so the wizards put a spell on me to not feed on the students or attack them. So that's why I licked Simon because he looked like food to me. And for your information if you get me mad, like, super mad l will turn back into a werewolf and might kill you once this magic has disappeared" She said.

The kids just stood there...

"OH,, do you want to come with us?" Connor asked.

"Wait! Before you answer that question...Can me and Connor talk just for a minute..." Fran said.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now