The Test...

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Ok, there will be alot of time skips, so hopefully your ok with that, if not then I'm sorry😞😭
It's been 3 months since Selena came to Wizard Academia, she hasn't made any new friends because of the spells she needed to learn. Selena was in the middle of the room on the bed, unpacking her materials and homework from her backpack the speaker begun to announce something.

"Attention Wizards of Academia, come to the cafeteria at 3:00 pm SHARP come with your wand or broom, be prepared..."

Selena paused, she looked at the cat on her desk. The cat looked at Selena.

"It's have enough
time..."Simon said.

Selena rolled her eyes, "It's not that, it's the wand...I don't have one!"

"But she did say a broom..."

"Yeah, but it's weird to have a broom as a weapon than a wand...I wish I had a wand..."

"You know you can't just Wish to have a wand, you have to earn it, or discover it with your heart or something..."

"I don't know anymore....I don't- will I ever discover my wand?"

"Of Course you will, trust me no Wizard discovered the wand after they were 20 years old"

"I guess you're right, you seem to be a smarter cat..."

Simon smiled.

It was now 2:58, Selena was in a rush, she didn't want to be late so she quickly grabbed Simon and the broom and rushed out of the room. In full speed, she made it in time. She then lined behind the other students. Simon was next to her, Selena was holding her broom. About 60% of the 1426 students had wands, and 40% had brooms. Then the lady Selena met on her first day in Wizard Academia appeared.

"Alright Wizards..."
she begun speaking,
"This is a test for us to see how much you can handle to defend yourself and fight for your life"
she Commanded with a firm dark female voice. She was walking back and forth at the rows of students. She stopped and took a glance at Selena,

"You can bring your companion...but if you can survive for 5 days then you will pass the test"

"5 DAYS!?! How is that possible? What About The Food!!!!"
A student in the rows complained.

"There are plenty of rats for you wizards to turn into food, so I wouldn't mind you to be smart enough to make it your own food" The lady replied with a harsh tone.

Selena and Simon looked at each other then looked back at the Lady in the black uniform.

"Let the test Begin!"
she announced.

The enormous doors were behind the lady and they opened. Letting out cold air and a dusty smelling, the lady looked at the students.


In the speed of light students started running into the enormous door. Some students went in there flying with their brooms.

"It's time..."
Simon said at Selena.

Selena & Simon looked at the doors, and walked in.

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now