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Selena and Connor finally reached to the end of the path.

"This is why we have been walking for an hour....A WALL!!!!" Connor yelled out angrily.

Selena was silent when he yelled.

"Well...look on the bright side..."
Selena said in a cheerful way, even though she wasn't happy at all she tried making Connor smile. Connor looked at her confused. He knew she was trying to make him smile, so he smiled and chuckled.

"Well, whoever did this was a total prankster...c'mon, let's go back to the way befo-"

Connor stopped and pulled Selena behind him. He grabbed his sword that was behind his back, he knew something was coming. Selena stood silent. Suddenly they started to hear talking coming from a distance.

"Seems like we aren't the only ones fooled...". Connor whispered to Selena.

Selena nodded. Then a cat came into view. It was Simon! Connor put his sword down and Selena ran straight to the cat.

"Selena we found you!" Simon said in a cheer.

Fran was walking towards Connor.

"Got scared?" She said.

Connor put his sword back on him.

"No just...startled..." He said.

"Simon look we followed the path of ashes and it lead us to a wall!" Selena cried.

"Yeah, it was all for nothing..." Connor said, he closed his eyes.

"That's where you're wrong kid..." Simon said.

Connor opened one of his eyes and looked at Simon.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Selena mind... pushing the wall?"

Selena walked towards the wall, it then became liquid. In a splash it fell down. Connor thought fast enough to cast an umbrella to keep him dry while the others...didn't. Selena was shocked, then there was an empty room.

"What the?!?" Simon cried.

"What's wrong?" asked Selena.

Simon looked around the room.

"I-It's suppose to be here! Where is the desk- the potions, the spells...THE BOOK!" He cried and went around the room.

The kids stood there silent and confused. Conor poofed away his umbrella and picked up the cat.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing" he asked.

The cat jumped off of Conor's hands.

"Yes I do! It's just that we need to find the book!" Simon said.

"Find the book? What book?"

"It was all brown, dusty and old" Simon kept talking about the book and Conor kept nodding about the information, so was Fran. Selena on the other hand, walked around the room. There were dusty shelves and a little black box on it. She picked up the box and saw something written in it. It said

"Those who take care an animal is called a pest"

Selena put down the box.

"Yo! What's this mean?" Selena said as she held up the box. Simon and the kids looked at Selena, they then walked to her.

"Give me that!" Simon said, and so Selena did.

"Oh no..." Simon said.

"What do you mean "Oh No"? Is it a trap!?" Connor became alert.

"No...not that it's just...I forgot what the code was..."

Simon said as he kept reading the words on the black box.

"Give me that! I can read!" Connor took the box away from Simon. Simon yelled at him but Conor ignored him. "Stupid cat..." He muttered. "Simon looked away.

"Oh..well this is confusing..." Connor said.

He put the box down on the black, dusty desk. "Who's stupid now..." Simon muttered. Conor gave a quick death glance at Simon and looked at the box.

"What are you guys saying? It obviously says " Those who take care an animal is called a pest" Selena said.

Simon and Conor looked at her in shock.

"Y-You can read this!?" Connor cried out.

"Of Course you could..." Simon said.

"What do you mean? It was already spelled in English for me." Selena said.

"No, I know that, it's just that...your father made a spell and language that no one can understand...No one but you and... him..." Simon stopped and looked at the floor.

It was silent.

"Ok, Yeah, so her father made a difficult spell but what does it mean?" Connor said.

"Those who take care of an animal is called a pest...hm..." Simon repeated the quote.

"So what does it mean? Like some animal is a clean thing and it's wrong to have a pet or something?" Connor guessed.

"I..yeah, kinda, but...AHA!" Simon yelled.

Connor jumped and covered his ears, the others were startled.

"The Key to open the box! Your father's key was on the necklace that your mother used to have!" Simon said.

"Wait...I Have A Mother!?!?" Selena cried.

"Wait, so she has no parents?" Connor said to Simon.

"Oh, she does, they just aren't her real-"

"Ugh! Can we Stop talking about my Family and get on to the puzzle!" Selena interrupted.

Simon and Connor looked away from each other.

"R-Right..." Simon said.

Simon went behind a shelf with books and pulled out a book from the shelf. He opened it and there was a necklace with a key in the middle of the book. Simon picked up the key and walked back to the desk where the book was at.

"Mind?" Simon said to Connor.

Conor nodded and got the key from the cat, he put it in the keyhole and turned it to the right. The box made a "Click" sound and opened.

----------------------------------------------------------- STOP! BEFORE YOU READ THE NEXT PAGE CAN YOU AT LEAST GUESS WHAT'S IN THE BOX!
Ok, hopefully you guessed, keep on reading! 😉

Selena's Quest Book #3Where stories live. Discover now