Jon Snow x Reader (1)

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Growing up as a part of the free folk, you were always told not to go near the wall. Yet here you are, as curious as ever to see if all the rumors you've heard about men of the night's watch were true. As a little sister, your brother had always kept you sheltered to ensure your safety. Now, with him away for  a couple days, you have the perfect opportunity to explore with no one holding you back. 

The late hours of the night keep you well hidden, moving quick to approach the massive ice-cold wall. Your mouth drops at the sight of it up close, your neck stretching to look at it's full height. You step even closer, the snow crunching beneath your boots, setting a hand on the solid structure. 

"Amazing.." you whisper to yourself, the fog from your warm breath filling the air. 

"It is - isn't it?" a mysterious voice says from behind you, fear instantly filling your body as you stiffen in place. With as much courage as you can muster, you pull out your dagger and turn to face the unfamiliar man. Having zero experience with fighting, you look like a complete fool - clumsily stepping forwards with the dagger and poking nothing but the air as he easily steps back avoiding your blade. 

"Easy now.." he says, placing a hand on the end of his much larger sword that's tucked neatly in his belt. "Don't do anything stupid". As stubborn as you were, you knew you couldn't fight a man of the nights watch with a dagger. 

"Here" you say in defeat, dropping your dagger at his feet. His dark eyes scan yours for a minute,  black curly hair blowing in the wind. When he bends down to grab the dagger, you make your move, kicking him in the nuts before taking off full speed. The heavy snow makes it difficult to run, but the sound of him chasing behind you forces you to push through. 

"Wait!" he shouts from behind you - "Don't go that way!". Before you have time to react, you fall straight into the hands of several other crows. Two of them grab a strong hold on each of your arms keeping you stuck in place. 

"Let go of me!" you shout, knowing full well that if you didn't escape, you would be dead before morning comes. "You're hurting my arms" you add, there tight grip almost cutting off circulation. They completely ignore your words, turning there attention to the curly haired man as he approaches. 

"What were you doing out here all alone with a girl, Jon?" one of the men from behind you asks. 

"I hope you weren't trying to fuck her Snow, remember your vows" another adds. *Jon Snow - a bastard* you think to yourself. Jon flashes the man an angered look before replying. 

"You can release her. The girl doesn't mean any harm. She doesn't even have a weap-" 

"Harmless?!" a man interrupts, much older than the rest. "She's a wildling, of course she means us harm" 

"Commander.." Jon begins but is cut short as the men begin to drag you inside the wall. You struggle to break free from there grip, your efforts unsuccessful. When everyone has moved inside, you are pushed down to your knees. The sound of a sharpened sword being pulled out makes your heart instantly beat 100x faster. Your eyes widen, aimlessly looking around at the crowd of men standing before you. 

"Please don't do this" is all you can bring yourself to say, struggling to hold back tears. 

"Commander, you're making a mistake" Jon says, stepping out of the crowd. "Don't you think she's more valuable alive than dead? Imagine what kind of information she must have about what's beyond the wall. Maybe she has news of my uncle?" You look up at the Commander, watching as his expression stiffens to think about Jon's words. 

"Very well then, one of you take her a-top the wall and make sure you have her locked up good" he commands, a wave of relief crashing over you at the thought of being able to live another day. Jon instantly steps towards you, moving to grip your arm much softer than the other men. 

"Not you" the commander says, forcing Jon to drop his hold of you. "I need you for something" he continues, turning to walk away. Jon instantly follows him, exchanging a quick glance with you once more. All you can do in the moment is give him a small smile, grateful for how he managed to save your life. 

*Early Morning - A top the wall* 

In the corner of the icy room, you sit tired, shivering, and hungry. Being chained up to the wall made it practically impossible for you to find a comfortable position. All you could do was struggle to loosen the chain, although you've been trying all night with no luck. The sound of someone stepping against fresh snow captures your attention, looking up to see Jon Snow standing in the entry way. 

"I've brought you some food" he says, approaching to set the tray in front of you. Without asking, he moves to unlock your arm from the chain. Your eyes scan his face while he fiddles with the chain, finally getting your first good look at him. The darkness of last night made it difficult to see just how attractive he really was. You admire everything from his soft curls to the thick facial hair that outlines his face. His eyes suddenly bounce to yours, catching you staring. Even though it's freezing, you can still feel your face burn from the blush. When you are free, you rub at your sore wrist from where the chain once was. 

"Thank you, Jon Snow" you say shyly, his name naturally rolling off your lips. 

"I'm sorry for the way my brothers treated you last night" he says, smiling down at you as he watches you eat. 

"Those were all your brothers?" you ask, swallowing down your food. 

"Not exactly. We are brothers, but not by blood. All men of the nights watch refer to one another as brothers" 

"I have a brother" you randomly say for no good reason, suddenly feeling stupid. 

"Do you know where he is?" he asks, sitting close beside you. You can feel some heat radiating from his body filling you with some warmth. 

"Yes - but he has no clue where I am. He spent his entire life making sure I was safe. He's going to be crushed when he comes back and I'm not where I'm supposed to be" you explain, sadness taking over as you never should have come here to begin with. 

"I'm sorry" is all Jon says, glancing over at him to see a trace of sadness in his expression before he stands up. "I should get going". He turns away from you to leave, but your words stop him. 

"Can you help me escape? Please? I know you've already done enough and it's my own fault I'm here, but if my brother finds out I'm gone, he will die without me". Jon lets out a sigh, turning to face you once again. 

"I have a brother too. I understand, and I'll help you - but you have to promise me you'll stay out of danger if I do" 

"I promise" you reply, moving to stand up and wrap your arms tightly around him. "Thank you so much" you whisper in his ear. When you remember his vows, you instantly feel guilty, breaking the hug. "I'm sorry - I shouldn't come in contact with you like that" you apologize, staring down at your feet. 

"You're freezing" he says, moving to grasp your small ice-cold hands in his. He brings them up to his mouth, blowing out warm air. Your stomach fills with butterflies, watching as he removes his cloak to wrap around you. "This way" he says, gently holding your hand to guide you to an exit while remaining unseen. When you are both beyond the wall, you silently face one another, his hand still locked with yours. Although you want to so desperately kiss him, you resort to a friendly peck on the cheek to not overstep the boundaries of his vows. 

"I owe you one, Jon Snow" you say with a smile that hides the disappointment you feel of not being able to see him again. 

"I - I want to see you again" he whispers, turning a slight shade of pink. Your smile only grows bigger at his words. 

"Then this isn't goodbye, and we will meet up again" you say, squeezing his hand before letting go.You turn to walk through the snow, and its somehow harder to move than when you were running away from him yesterday. Your emotions completely take over, unable to hold yourself back. You turn, run to him, and it's as if he couldn't hold back either. Your lips crash on one another, desperately clinging on with deep urgency.  Your lips are both chapped from the intense cold, but that doesn't take away from the passionate first kiss you share. You have never experienced such serious feelings in such a a short period of time, beginning to feel lightheaded from the kiss. When you finally pull away, you are both out of breath. 

"Go" he breathes, quickly showering you with a series of kisses before releasing his grip around your waist. 

<The End> 

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