Back In San Diego.

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I couldn't believe he was just sitting there? Did he see me? He must have I was on the fucking stage!

My hands shook as I walked out into the main area after performing.

"Good show tonight Vic!" My friend Oli patted my back.

"Thanks mate" I smiled and nodded at him before turning my gaze to Kellin again.

I watched him as he talked to Danielle at the bar, she was always sweet.

I made my way through the people. The closer I got to Kellin the further I wanted to run. I hadn't seen him in so long but I sure as hell still love him just as much.

He looked older, I mean he was, but he just looked more, mature? More handsome even.

I stopped before I got to him double checking I wasn't dreaming. He was still breathtaking. I breathed in deeply and took my last few strides up to him.

Danielle smirked at me before walking away and leaving me alone with Kellin.

"Kellin" I said his name biting my lip bottom lip nervously.

"Um, hi?" He frowned sounding confused, why did he seem so confused. Did I look different?

"It's Vic?" I said to him.

"I- uh- I don't remember you" he said looking me up and down.

My heart felt like it literally broke into a million pieces right there, he didn't remember me? How the fuck could he not remember me? The stuff we went through and now he's saying he don't remember me. Was he joking?

"Are you serious?" I snapped feeling angry, how can he just come here and pretend like I never existed in his head?

"I'm sorry?" He frowned.

"Your honestly doing this? Why are you even here?!" I raised my voice slightly. He looked taken back, what did he expect.

"I just wanted to come here" he said simply.

"And pretend like I don't exist? Why did you stop? What happened? Why didn't you turn up? And now your here after all this time and pretending like you don't know me?" I ranted at him.

"I'm being honest, I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are!" He said to me.

"No, I-I can't" I shook head my voice cracking. Do not cry. I couldn't stand there any longer.

"No, wait" Kellin called as I went to walk away. I turned back to him.

"Can we talk somewhere more quiet?" He asked looking around the room.

I nodded and motioned for him to follow me. I took him to the dressing room thing backstage where I knew no one was.

We sat down together on the sofa in the room.

"What your name again?" He asked frowning.

"Vic?" I questioned, he knew my name, why was he doing this.

"I'm really sorry, Vic? But I really don't know who you are?" He said sounding defeated after thinking for a while.

"I-I'm your boyfriend, Kellin? I mean your ex boyfriend" I corrected myself.

"Boyfriend?" He frowned putting his face into his hands. What was happening right now.

"Why are you doing this?" I frowned at him. Was e just playing with me.

"I'm trying" he shook his head. "I'm trying really fucking hard to remember you" he sounded extremely sad.

"Why did you stop calling me? Why didn't you show up when you said you would?" I asked the questions I've been dying to know.

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