Chasing Rainbows.

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"Mom!" I said excitedly after she answered the phone.

"Kellin! It's so nice to hear from you finally" she laughed.

"That's Kellin!" I heard Tay shout in the background. "Put him on loud speaker"

"Hello Tay" I said.

"Why the fuck haven't you contacted me! Something could have happened to you Kellin! You fuck! Fuck you!" She shouted at me

"Taylor, language" my mom scolded her.

"I'm sorry I've been really busy" I lied to them.

"I don't care" she huffed.

"Anyway, start packing because you two are coming to San Diego next week" i smiled glancing at Vic. God i was so excited for this.

"Why?" My mom asked.

"Vic wants everyone to get together, just like a sort of reunion thing I guess" I said, I so badly wanted to tell them the truth but Vic wanted me to keep it a secret so it was a surprise for them.

"So I finally get to meet the man that stole my best friend" Tay said making me laugh.

"He didn't steal me" I replied.

"That's so sweet of him" my mom spoke.

"He is sweet" I smiled.

"I'm glad your happy Kells" Tay said to me.

"Yeah me too" I looked at Vic who was just watching me.

"So when do we come out?" My mom asked.

"Saturday, I'll email you the details" I said.

"Ok, I love you" she said.

"Love you too, and you Tay" I replied.

"Love you Kelly!" She shouted.

We said our goodbyes and I put my phone down.

"I'm so excited!" I squealed loudly making Vic jump.

"Don't do that" Vic laughed.

"Sorry I just can't wait, moms gonna be so shocked" I smirked at him.

"She isn't going to flip or anything is she?" He asked me.

"Nah, she might cry though, and Tays extremely forward" I warned him about Tay.

"Ok, your moms emotional and your best friend is crazy, got it" he smiled.

"Shut up" I pushed him lightly.

"Love you" he smiled.

"Love you too" I replied leaning forward to kiss him but he moved.

"Hey" I pouted.

"What?" He smirked

"Let me kiss you" I replied still pouting.

"Hmm, I might" he cocked his head to the side slightly.

I moved so I was straddling his lap.

"I love it when you don't wear tops" I smirked at him running my hands over his tanned skin.

"Yeah?" He smirked.

"Yup" I said popping the p.

"I love it when your naked" he smirked, his eyes changing to a darker brown as he looked at me.

"You won't let me kiss you so" I rolled my eyes at him.

He knocked my arms out from under me making me fall, he grabbed my shoulders just as my face was inches from his before kissing me softly.

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