The Wedding.

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"Do I look ok?" I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You look fine Kels stop worrying" Tay grabbed my shoulders looking at me in the mirror.

"What if he doesn't want to marry me and leaves me there" I looked to her.

"Well he's down there now waiting, if he was going to leave you he would have down it by now" she told me.

"Wow thanks" I rolled my eyes.

I looked at Tay. She looked amazing in the purple dress I chose for her.

"Uh, hi, are you ready?" Tony came through the door.

"He looks better than me!" I whined looking at Tony in his suit. I just felt like I looked like shit.

"No he doesn't, stop, look at yourself in the mirror, you look hot, if you wasn't gay k would totally rip this suit off you right now and steal you from Vic" she said making me smile.

"You look amazing Kels" Tony said to me.

"Thanks" I sighed. "Let's go"

I walked down the stairs and looked at the closed doors. Vic and all our family's were behind there right now.

"Ready?" Vic's dad looked to me. I nodded and linked my arm with his. The doors opened and Tony and Tay walked through first.

"You look good kid" Vic's dad patted my hand as we began to walk.

I looked straight to Vic as we walked in. He was looking back at me with a smiled on his face. I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes. This was actually happening right now.

He looked amazing, better than me, of corse he still had a SnapBack on his head, he wasn't meant to be wearing one but I guess he changed his mind.

I looked to my mom who was crying and gave her a small smile. I finally got to Vic and his dad let go of my arm and gave me a smile and patted my arm before standing next to his wife.

Vic took my hands in his and smiled at me. I smiled back and one of the tears fell from my eye.

"You may be seated" the pastor said and everyone took a seat.

"Why are you crying?" Vic whispered wiping my my tear away.

"I'm just happy we're doing this" I said to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathers today to witness the marriage between Kellin Quinn and Victor Fuentes, I believe that the two of them have wrote there own vows" the pastor spoke.

Vic took a breath before smiling.

"Kellin, I did have a whole thing planned but I uh, I can't remember what I wrote so uh, I love you, a lot, and there's nothing that i could want more than to spend the rest of my life with you, even after I thought you had left me behind, I still loved you, you had my heart from the beginning, and I'm sorry for being a prick when we first met, but I love you, and I can't wait for us to start a family together" he finished and I couldn't help the few tars that fell.

"I uh, I'm sorry, I'm really emotional" I smiled to myself wiping my face before holding Vic's hands again.

"I've been through a lot, and you've stuck by me through all that, even when I didn't know who you were you pushed to love me, sometimes I think about what would of happened if I never left, would this still be happening, so I'm kinda glad I left, because you don't give up, and you didn't give up on me and now we're here getting married, and I love you so much, I know we have our fights but I wouldn't change it for the world" once again I was crying.

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