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"Fuuuccckk" I groaned shifting in bed.

"You ok babe?" Vic asked me.

"No, it feels like I'm dying" i opened my eyes looking at him.

"That's what you get for drinking so much" he laughed lightly.

"Fuck you" I smiled pushing him lightly.

"I'll go get you something for that headache ok" Vic said before leaving me on my own.

i sat up and smiled seeing the ring on my hand shine. me and Vic are now officially engaged.

I could barely remember last night after Vic proposed, I may have drunk a little too much.

Vic walked back into the room holding a glass of water and I'm guessing some aspirin in his hand.

He walked to my side of the bed and placed the glass on the table before handing me the aspirins.

"What did I even do last night" I asked Vic taking the pills.

"You nearly gave me a lap dance in front of your mom" he laughed walking round the bed so he could sit next to me.

"How?" I frowned.

"Well you were dancing and I was sitting in the sofa next to your mom and apparently drunk Kellin thought it was the best time to give me a lap dance" he smirked at me.

"Oh god" I groaned. "I didn't do anything else did I?"

"Just embarrassing dancing and telling everyone you love them, but making sure they knew you loved me more" he was loving this wasn't he.

"And you didn't stop me?" I said.

"I tried" he shrugged.

I sighed rubbing my head, it really hurt.

"Oh, and also Mike and Tony are the best non gays in the world according to you" Vic smirked.

"Leave me alone" I said but still rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm going to get in the shower, coming?" I looked to Vic.

"Sure" he shrugged.

We both got up and left the room going into the bathroom.

"Does your head still hurt?" Vic whispered in my ear wrapping his arms around my body once we were both naked and under the water.

"Not really" I said.

"Good" he replied before kissing below my ear.

"Vic, my mom might hear us" I turned to face him.

"Like that stopped us before" he smirked pushing me against the tiles.

He pressed his lips to mine starting sweet but his attitude soon changed into lust.

He grabbed the back of my thighs and pulled me up onto himself keeping my back against the glass door.

He grabbed the lube of the shelf and prepped me, I took the lube off his once he had finished and spread it over his dick.

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