Second First Date.

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"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey, Vic" Kellin replied.

"I'm on my way over" I said to him. He gave me his address before.

"Can't wait" I could hear the smile in his voice. Honestly I was over the moon that Kellin was back and we got to make out.

Even though he couldn't remember me and didn't love me no more I was thrilled that I sort of had him back, after all this time, Kellin was back.

I pulled up to the address and frowned at the place, this didn't seem like the type of place Kellin would have, it's was small well small for Kellin, Kellin never liked small. Unless he didn't have his money no more.

I got out my car and walked up to the door of the fairly sized apartment. I knocked and the door swung open revealing Kellin smiling at me.

"Hey" I smiled at him. I wish he knew how much I wanted to kiss him right now.

"Hello" he said back. "Come in a sec, I'm not ready" he said pulling me in.

I looked around the place, it was nice, just didn't seem like Kellin.

"Do you like this place?" I asked him.

"It's ok, a bit small but it'll do" he shrugged. Yup, still the Kellin I knew.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked blushing.

"Just, nothing don't worry" I shook my head smiling.

"No tell me" he said.

"It's just you haven't changed" I said to him.

"Haven't I?" He looked away for a second

"Nope not at all, go get ready I wanna take you out" I said to him.

Me nodded and disappeared to a different part of the house. After a few minuets he came back in a different outfit.

A pair of skinny jeans a plain black top and a leather jacket over it pared with his toms of corse.

"You look good" I smiled at him.

"So do you" he smiled back.

"Let's go" I smiled. We walked out the apartment and got into my car.

He sat down and put his seatbelt on. I watched as he shifted in his seat before stopping and sitting stiffly on one spot.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine, just, a different car" he said.

"Do you want to drive?" I asked, it might make him feel more comfortable.

"Oh, no definitely not, maybe once I get used to your car" he said. I nodded and started the engine.

I drove down to the beach and parked the car.

"The beach?" He asked.

"No, my favourite taco shop is along the walk" I said to him.

"Tacos" he said.

"Please tell me you know what tacos are" I looked to him.

"Yeah, of corse I know, I just thought about something, but it's gone now" he said.

We got out the car and walked to the small shop. I walked in with Kellin following behind me looking around the room.

We sat down in a booth and ordered our food.

"So, what have you been up to Vic?" He asked.

"Focusing on the band mostly" I shrugged. "What about you?".

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