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Tyler's POV

I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later I heard footsteps inside.

Asher's POV

OMFG is that Tyler? Shit its him.

"It's Tyler! Come on Cleo!"

"Alright hold on! Go get the door!"

I grabbed a couple of bracelets and put them on. Here we go. I'm about to meet my fucking idol. Deep breaths Asher deep breaths....

Tyler's POV

*She opened the door*

"Nice socks" We were wearing the same socks and shoes. Sick!

"Haha thanks. Nice shoes"

"Thanks. Ready to go?"

"Yeah hold on Ill be right back. You can come in if you want."

"Alright cool."

And she ran up the stairs. Damn she's even more beautiful in person. Today's gonna be fun.

Asher's POV

God hes so adorable and awkward aw. I called for Cleo and she finally came and we both went downstairs. I introduced them and we all left, me getting in Tyler's car and Cleo getting in hers to do whatever she had planned today. We drove in silence. Not an awkward one, just silent.

"I was thinking, maybe we could take Chloe out for .breakfast or something? Ya know if she wants to...." I said trying to break the silence.

"Yeah sure. That'd be fun! skate?"

"Hell yeah! I already know you do haha"

We talked about skating and anything else that came up. Turns out we have a lot in common! He's super chill. He said after we took Chloe out, we'd go to the store so I can meet the guys and skate a bit. I can't wait!


Tyler's POV

I unlocked the door and we walked inside. Asher went upstairs to get Chloe. She's gonna be so excited when she sees me!

Asher's POV

I walked over to Chloe's bed and picked her up. Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Hey cousin....!" She said, sounding tired.

"Hey lil bit! Guess who else is here?"


She jumped from my arms, ran down stairs and jumped on Tyler who was sitting on the couch. That's so cute!

Tyler's POV

I was just watching tv minding my own business when I heard little Chloe run up to me and jump on me.

"HEY UNCLE TYLER" she screamed.

I picked her up and started tickling her.

"Hey Clo, wanna go get some breakfast?"


We all hopped in my car and drove to Ihop. Chloe sat in the back with Asher and they talked about whatever. I wasn't even listening, all I could think about was how I could get Asher. I wonder if she even likes me like that....

She's so amazing.

Odd Love(A Tyler The Creator love story)Where stories live. Discover now