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(side note/ Kelly Clancy is away with family lol) sorry this took FOREVER i had writers block! But i hope you like it xxxx


Tyler's POV

So Asher's got a new guy? I guess I cant really be upset but fuck...why am I trying to get over a girl I was never with? The fuck am I saying, I cant get over her! I need her back and I need her to be mine. Fuck it she probably doesn't even think about me...

Asher's POV

I can already tell things are gonna be awkward as fuck between me and Tyler. I'm getting more and more worried about Clancy. Where the fuck is he? Maybe I should call the police...i hate police man. I called 911 and told them my uncle and niece were missing. They said they would come by and talk to me, I couldn't do it alone so I called Tyler. If this bitch Tess answers his phone one more time......

"Hello?" Tyler answered.

"Hey, um sorry to bother you but can you come over please? I called the police about Clancy and they said they would come by. I don't want to talk to them alone.."

"Alright whatever." And he hung up. What the fuck. Okay then. He was outside shortly after and I let him in. All he said was hey and didn't speak to me..I put my hand on his shoulder and asked if he was okay and he pushed me off and said he was fine. Why is he acting like this? Oh well. Its about Clancy and Chloe right now. The police came and we told them all that happened the last day we saw him, I showed them the note and they said they would do everything they could to find them. Of course I couldn't believe that after what happened to my mom...

While I sat reminiscing, Tyler called Kelly and told her what was going on and she said she would be home as soon as possible.

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