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New Chapter! its kinda depressing or whatever but yaknow. Hope you like it though!

Tyler's POV

"Asher what's wrong with you??"
Why was she acting like this? I figured she'd be upset so I tried to play it off earlier but she's pissed.

"Ha. So you care about my feelings all of a sudden?"


"Save it. I have to go. Goodbye Tyler."


Asher's POV

I walked as fast as I could down the stairs and out of his house. I can't believe he would do something so low. But why am I upset? It's not like I'm his girlfriend...and it's not like he ever said he liked me. I texted Cleo and told her I couldn't hang out today. I just wanted to sleep forever. I went in my bathroom and locked the door and grabbed my razor blade. My phone kept vibrating; 17 missed calls. All from Tyler. Then my phone buzzed, indicating that I got a text.

Tyler:Call me Ash. I really need to talk to you. Please. I hope you're okay.

I sighed and put the phone down while it rang some more.
Maybe tonight will finally be the night.

Tyler's POV

I hope she hasn't done anything stupid. Why won't she answer my calls? I know she's mad but fuck give me a chance to explain...I guess I'll go check on her. I hopped in my car and sped over to Asher's house. I ran up to the door and rang, knocked anything but no one answered. I blew up her phone again, why the fuck won't she answer? Please be okay...
I called up her friend Cleo and she said she hasn't talked to her all day. I ran around the back and thank God that door was open. I walked into the house which looked really messy since the last time I'd been here. Her parents weren't even home, come to think of it...I'd never met them. I heard water running upstairs so I ran to wherever the sound was coming from. I found what I'm guessing is Asher's room and frantically knocked on the door.

"Asher please open the door. I'm freaking out I just need to know if you're okay just open the fucking door!!"

I felt the top of the door frame for the key. Nothing. I felt the other doors...found one! I opened the door and ran into the bathroom to see Asher with blood running down her arms and tears in her eyes. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. Was this my fault? We sat there for a minute on the floor and I let her cry in my arms. I grabbed tissue and wrapped it around her arms to stop the bleeding.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked in between sobs.

"What? Help you? You could have died!"

"Good." I didn't know how to respond so we sat there in silence for a minute.

"I just never understood why beautiful girls did ugly things to themselves."

"Tyler, I'm far from beautiful and you know that."

"Nah you're beyond beautiful." That was fucking sus.
After a while, I helped her up and to her bed. I decided I'd stay with her because I was scared of what she might do if I left. I sat on the edge of the bed, "Talk to me. Tell me everything."


"Why not?"

"Because. You know you can leave right?"

"Yeah but I'm not. I'm not leaving until you stop being pissed at me and talk to me."

I laid down in her bed next to her waiting for her to talk. Maybe I don't wanna know what's going on with her....I am a dick.

Odd Love(A Tyler The Creator love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant