Chapter 5

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Guys I am running out of idea's please leave some below in the comments.
It had been moons since my accident with the eagle and I was doing fine, I was going alone the cougarclan boarder when I ran into Redclaw, he looked at me and his eyes saddened, we had been meeting here for a few weeks now and we loved each other.
"Yes I know I didn't meet you last night but I was busy," I said.
"It's ok but I am sad because your leg is swollen you should be resting," Redclaw said.
"I know but my love is far greater than pain," I said, we curled around each other. We lay there for a while when we heard cats coming, I stood up and hid so did Redclaw, I saw it was Thornstar and Thistledown.
"She has been going missing every night and I find her scent here all the time," Thistledown said.
"Maybe because I come for walks down here to think where it's quiet," I said coming out of the bush.
"Hmph!" Thistledown hissed silently as if trying to get rid of me, Thornstar and Thisledown went back to camp and Redclaw came out of his bush.
"That was close and do you plan to tell me why you've gotten bigger?" Redclaw asked pointing to my stomach.
"I am expecting your kits Redclaw," I said, he was surprised.
"Who's kits do they think they are?" Redclaw asked.
"They think the kits father is Greyfangs he is not much older than me but he is the only cat I can trust right now other than you," I said.
"Well I hope one of them looks like me but thing is my clan has figured out I am seeing you and if I don't stop they will kick me out of my clan," Redclaw said.
"I am not meant to be out either due to the fact the kits are coming any day now so until next time Redclaw fare well," I said padding back to camp.
Guys sorry for the short chapter I am getting sicker and I will update at least a couple times a week when I can ok.

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