Chapter 11

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It had been a moon since I told the truth to all the clans after I murdered my father, I felt no shame only a wish to be normal. I spread my wings and flew up into the night sky, the night was my friend and for some reason I felt energy at night. I flew towards the tunnels at the edge of my clans territory, I landed at the entrance. I had gotten my full medicine cat name as well, my new name was Featherfall. Me and Branchfang had gotten close but I refused to think of us as anywhere near mates so he had given up on me and accepted Soottail, I felt no connection with my clan anymore since both my parents were dead and a fake father who had been exiled for LIEING to Thornstar. Watervole came up behind me and I felt no shame in what I was about to do, Watervole sat a bit behind me.
"You killed him didn't you?" Watervole said.
"I did what had to be done," I said my gaze not meeting hers.
"You can always talk to starclan for forgiveness," Watervole said.
"How could I after I killed inocent cats, I killed them in cold blood," I said, I looked at her and back to the tunnels.
"You know no one has to know," Watervole said.
"Goodbye Watervole," I said, she looked at me and I darted into the tunnels. Rocks fell behind me and one of them hit me, I blacked out.
Guys I am going to now switch between characters ok.

Watervoles pov.
I watched Featherfall my apprentice run into the caves, the rocks fell after her and I tried to dig them out. Thornstar came running and saw me trying to dig the rocks out of the cave, he looked at me and my gaze made his gaze turned to fear.
"She's gone!" I yowled to starclan.
"We can do nothing now if she managed to survive than she will find us," Thornstar said, we went back to camp to tell the news.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around to hear my words, Featherfall has vanished into the caves and we cannot tell if she is alive or not, if she is keep a sharp eye out to see if she returns we will give her a moon and if she doesn't come we may have to assume the worst," Thornstar said, the clan wailed in pain of loosin Featherfall, she had been a big part of a prophecy so I hoped and prayed to starclan she would still be alive. I went to my nest and pulled a tuft of hair from featherfalls nest so she would always stay with me since she was my first and only apprentice, I lay down in my nest and fell asleep.

Featherfalls pov.

I felt pain shoot through one of my wings and my back leg, I hissed in pain when I heard a cat coming.
"Who is there?" I called.
"I am Shatteredwing I am going to help you if you let me," he said, his gaze was softening and I felt comfort in his gaze. He pushed the rock off my wing and leg, they were broken so he grabbed a stick and some cobwebs from the cave and tied the stick on with the cobwebs, he put a leaf on to stop the stick cutting my wing and leg. He showed me where to sleep, I payed down when he asked.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I am Featherfall and of course as you can see I have wings," I said, he turned sideways and I saw black wings.
"So do i," Shatteredwing said, I yawned and I fell asleep, he curled up beside me to keep me warm and I didn't mind at all.

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