Chapter 12

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Watervoles pov.
I woke in my den and expected the incident to be a dream but Featherfall's nest was still empty and her scent was stale, I got up and went to the fresh kill pile to eat. The camp had been very quiet since Featherfall's death, she had been missing for two moons so we assumed her dead. I grabbed a mouse and went back inside my den to eat, after I finished I went inside the storage crevasse to check to herb supply, I saw we were almost out of Catmint. I padded out of camp and towards the abandoned Two-Leg place, I saw a small clump near the area Featherfall disappeared into. I bit some off their stems when I heard a cat coming, I saw that it was a rouge cat with a leaf in his jaw. He has strange black wings, he saw me and ran. He bolted into a rabbit hole, I didn't follow him but he was suspicious. I decided to go back to camp when I saw a fox, I hid in a bush hoping the catmint and borage would hide my scent. Sadly it didn't, the leaves blocked my view but I saw red coloured fur, and a tabby fur hiss and spit at the fox. I couldn't tell who they were but as soon as the fox left they ran, I managed to catch the fur but nothing else.

Featherfall's pov.

I woke up when Shatteredwing bolted in from the tunnel, he was panting.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"A fox is stalking a cat from your clan that you left moons ago," Shatteredwing said, we bolted out of the tunnels to find Watervole in the bush. I bolted in front of the bush and started to hiss, Shatteredwing joined in and soon the fox was gone, we bolted back into the tunnel and back to our nest.
"I know that cat but she can't see me and she has to think we were starclan or we are going to have a problem," I said exhausted from the fox, my leg started to hurt but my wing was fully healed. I layed down to rest it when my stomach started to hurt, I was heavy in kit to Shatteredwing and I knew it was time.
"Shatteredwing my kits are coming," I panted, he grabbed some herbs and a stick. I bit down on the stick while he helped the kits, I was getting tired but I was almost done kitting.
A few minutes of well I don't care but something 😝.

I was finally done kitting when I heard faint mews, I looked and saw a beautiful tabby Tom with no wings only my eyes and Shatteredwings pelt. He was very cute so while I tried to figure out a name Shatterwing got me some water, I took a sip when an idea hit me.
"How about we call him Shatteredkit and when he is older call him Shatteredfall," I said, Shatteredwing looked at me and smiled.
"A perfect name for our perfect son," Shatteredwing said, we lay there purring when suddenly the cave started to cave-in. I stood over Shatteredkit while dirt and rocks fell on me, I picked Shatteredkit up and we all left the cave. We managed to get out in time as the entire cave collapsed, I put Shatteredkit down for a second to rest. Shatteredwing looked at me with a worried look, I knew we now had nowhere to go and the dirt covering my pelt made my fur a different colour. I cleaned up than cleaned Shatteredkit, we started to pad away when two warriors came at us.
"He you there stop," one of them called, I knew these warriors and when they saw me up close they broke into tears.
"Featherfall your alive!" Soottail yowled in happiness.
"I am alive and this is my mate Shatteredwing, this is my kit Shatteredkit," I said, we padded towards camp when we entered most cats gave me strange looks than bolted towards me. I looked at the medicine cats den when Watervole saw me she ran towards me.

Watervoles pov.

I heard a bunch of noise so I headed out of my den, when I looked at the front of the crowd I broke into tears of joy.
"FEATHERFALL!" I almost yowled in pleasure, I looked at the kit and the cat beside her.
"This is my mate Shatteredwing and this is our kit Shatteredkit," Featherfall said in happiness, Thornstar came out and when he saw Featherfall his eyes were wide in shock.
"F-Featherfall you alive and have a kit!" Thornstar almost yowled, his eyes were starting to get tears when Featherfall looked at me again.
"I know I broke the warrior code but I couldn't leave him after all he had done for me," Featherfall said.
"All that matters is that your safe," I said nuzzling her, I went back to my den and fell asleep that night. Shatteredwing had joined our clan and Featherfall had to sleep in the nursery until her kit was an apprentice, I was happy to have my medicine cat apprentice back safe and sound.

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