Chapter 2

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"Kelly." I bluntly replied. I was nervous. I didn't know what do or say. I was new to situations like these as I wasn't the one who men usually talk to. Fi had all the luck in that department.

"Well it's a pretty name for a pretty girl." He stated. It was definitely cheesy but it was nice to be complimented as it didn't happen often and I could feel my cheeks getting hotter as he said it.

"Thanks but that was cheesy." I smartly replied. Hoping I didn't come across as desperate.

"Well whats wrong with cheese?" Zacky asked whilst chuckling.

"Nothing. I guess." I awkwardly replied. I just didn't know how to interact with him. He was so good looking. I seemed to loose control over my words. Just as I had said that the bartender came up to me and Zacky. I felt a sigh of relief as the tense atmosphere seemed to evaporate away.

"What can I get you two?" The bartender asked. He was good looking too but he was nothing when compared to Zacky. He had sandy blond hair that swept across his forehead and light blue eyes. I would have been all over him if I hadn't have met Zacky. He just couldn't compete with the man who was stood next to me. I snapped out of my trance and looked over at Zacky as he started to speak.

"I'll have a beer and Kelly, What do you want?" Zacky asked

"Err, I'll have a vodka and tonic and a larger please." I replied back. I got out some money and handed it over to Zacky so he could pay for the drinks I had just ordered. He pushed my hand back with his tattooed ones.

"I'll get them. So your with someone then?" He questioned.

"Yeah, my friend Fi. She's the one who drinks vodka and tonic." I laughed out.

The bartender broke the conversation by placing the drinks on the wooden bar that seemed a bit out of place in this club and asking for the amount of money we owed. I grabbed my drinks and walked off leaving Zacky alone. I turned back to look at him and he had a confused look written on his face. Then he looked up to see me staring and our eyes locked together. It was like the whole club just came to a stop and we were the only two people in there. I had never experienced that before. It was like I was drawn into his big hazel eyes. I didn't want this moment to end but he looked down breaking the moment. I quickly turned back round to go and find Fi.

I saw a frantic hand waving out of the corner of my eye. About after a minute I realised it was Fi trying to get my attention. I quickly walked over to her. She was sat down on a bar stool that was placed next to a round, black glossed table. I placed the drinks down on the table and I could see she was staring at me with one of her looks. The look on her face was priceless. Her perfectly groomed eyebrow were arched up and her eyes were saying tell me everything.

"What?" I questioned as I didn't really want to go into detail about a man I would never see again. It wasn't worth it.

"You know exactly what. Who was that man? From what I could see it looked very cosy between you two." Fi excitedly spat back. I looked at her for a bit just thinking should I tell her about the wonderful moment we had just shared or should I keep quite?

"Well his name was Zacky and he paid for the drinks." I said deciding to leave the whole staring part out.

"And?" Fi questioned again. She knew me to well. I couldn't hide a thing from her but she wasn't really big on romance so she probably wouldn't understand. She was a type of girl who just wanted one thing from guys and definitely no strings attached.

"OK, I grabbed the drinks off of the bar and quickly took off whilst he was paying and I turned back to see him looking confused. Then he looked me straight in the eyes and it was just like magic. It felt like the whole room disappeared. I have never experienced that before." I said. I was quite shocked that I had actually admitted anything.

"Gross!" Fi exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at her knowing she wouldn't understand the little moment me and Zacky had just shared. I looked at Fi and she was staring at this man. His back was facing towards us so I didn't even know what he looked like. I could see he had jet black hair that was spiked up it random places that gave him a look that screamed I made no effort but I actually did. I could tell she was just itchy to go and dance with him.

"Go and dance with him. I will be fine." I stated.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes. Now go!" I shouted back. She quickly got up and headed towards the dance floor. Well at least one of us would have a good night. I sat there on my own. I looked around the club and all I could see was couples making me feel depressed. Why couldn't I meet a descent guy?

"Would you like to dance?" Somebody whispered into my ear and it sent shivers down my spine as I could feel his hot breath lingering there. His voice was deep and husky which was really sexy. Then I realised I knew this voice from somewhere. I turned round to see his heavenly face staring at me. Begging me to dance with him.

"OK." I shakily replied. He stretched out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me towards the overcrowded dance floor.

Once we arrived he put his hand on my hips and dragged my body closer to his. I felt a bit uncomfortable to say the least as I hated dancing. I had no natural rhythm which meant I was completely useless. We were very close as our hips swayed in sync to the music.

"I never said thank you for the drinks." I shouted loudly above the music hoping he could hear me.

"Don't worry about it." Zacky replied. I could feel him getting closer to me until I could feel his hot alcohol filled breath on my face. Just then I felt his lips collide with me and it sent pulses of electricity running through my body. The way our lips moved in sync was amazing. It was actually the first time I had ever kissed someone so intensely. I didn't want this night to end.

I Never Meant To Hurt Anyone.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora