The Boogeyman and Josh's Powers

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Josh POV

"I have to say, this is very, very exciting." A voice that sounded familiar to me said all around us. We all looked around carefully looking for the source. "The Big Four, all in one place. I'm a little starstruck. Did you like my show on the Globe, North? Got you all together, didn't I?" A familiar looking man said as he appeared on a level above the Guardians. It took me just one second to figure out who the man was. 'Pitch!' I thought remembering the last time I saw him. "Pitch! You have 30 seconds to return my fairies!" Tooth yelled as she flew to him as he disappeared around the pillar that he was in front of and looked for him. "Or what? You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?" Pitch said mockingly appearing on another platform. "Why are you doing this" North asked. "Maybe I want what you have. To be believed in." Pitch said. I looked sadly over to Jack from where I was standing about a couple feet away from him. "Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds!" Pitch said irritated. "Maybe that's where you belong!" Aster said as he looked down and jumped as Pitch appeared upside down under the platform that he, North, and Sandy were standing on. "Go suck an egg, rabbit." Pitch said as he disappeared again. "Hang on. Is that Jack Frost?" Pitch said with his voice all over the place again. Jack looked around cautiously. "Since when are you all so chummy?" Pitch asked. "We're not." Jack said "Oh good." Pitch said from a distance behind Jack as he turned around. "A neutral party. Then I'm going to ignore you. But you must be used to that by now." Pitch said as he turned around and walked away into the shadows as Jack had a sad look on his face.

"Wait a second. Is that who I think it is?" Pitch said with his voice yet again all over the place. Now, it was my turn to look around cautiously. "Yes it is... Is that you Josh Cameron?" Pitch said from directly behind me. In turn of hearing his voice so close, I turned around facing Pitch and backflip into the air like a ball and landed a couple feet away from him. "It's been a while since I last saw you." Pitch said to me. "Yeah, last time I saw you, you gave my cousin quite the scare." I said with a frown and a glare. "Oh yes, your cousin was frightened when she saw me, the look on her face was oh so delightful to see." Pitch said "But enough of that, what are you doing here? Surely someone at your age should have stopped already believing in them." Pitch said pointing to the Guardians. "Surely you can't see Jack Frost can you?" He asked pointing to Jack. "White hair, blue hoodie, brown pants, and a staff? Yeah I can see him." I said to Pitch surprising him. "Well then, I'll have to break that belief of yours to see Jack's heartbroken face when he sees that you can't see him anymore." Pitch said with a grin as I glared at him.

Bunnymund POV

"Pitch, you shadow-sneaking ratbag, come here!" I yelled angrily as I ran (hopped?) towards Pitch as he soon disappeared again and appeared on the platform above where we were. Tooth flew behind me and grabbed one of my boomerangs off of the strap on my back and charged at Pitch. But then, one of those black horses appeared in front of him, making Tooth stop where she was. "Hey! Easy, girl, easy. Look familiar, Sandman?" Pitch said as he rubbed off a bit of black sand from the dark horse. "Took me a while to perfect this little trick. Turning dreams into Nightmares." Pitch said as Tooth flew down to us as we looked on in worry. "Don't be nervous. It only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know." Pitch said to us. "What fear? Of you?" I said as Tooth handed me my boomerang back. "Ha! No one's been afraid of you since the Dark Ages!" I said "Oh... The Dark Ages." Pitch said nostalgically.

Josh POV

'The Dark Ages?' I thought as Pitch continued to talk. "Everyone frightened. Miserable. Such happy times for me. The power I wielded. But then the Man in the Moon chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and light. Lifting their hearts and giving them hope. Meanwhile, everyone wrote me off as just a bad dream! "There's nothing to be afraid of. There's no such thing as the Boogeyman!" Well, that's all about to change." Pitch said as the palace around us shook and the golden building are losing there gold color and turning dull. "Look. It's happening already." Pitch said

"What is?" Jack said. "What's happening?" I asked worried as I looked at the Tooth Fairy, who looks distraught. "Children are waking up and realizing the Tooth Fairy never came. I mean, such a little thing. But to a child..." Pitch trailed off. "What's going on?" Jack asked. "They... They don't believe in me anymore." Tooth said even more distraught. "Didn't they tell you, Jack? It's great being a Guardian. But there's a catch. If enough kids stop believing, everything your friends protect, wonder, hopes and dreams, it all goes away. And little by little, so do they." Pitch said. I gasped in shock and horror at what he said, 'If they disappear, then that means...' My thoughts trailed of as Pitched continued to talk.  "No Christmas or Easter, or little fairies that come in the night. There will be nothing but fear and darkness. And me. It's your turn not to be believed in." Pitch said darkly. I became angered at his words. 'Like hell I'll let that happen!!' I thought as my body became engulfed in a golden aura that shined brightly. I pointed my left hand at Pitch's Nightmare and blasted it with a ball of light.

Bunnymund POV

As soon as I was about to throw my boomerang, a ball of light hit Pitch's Nightmare and destroys it, turning it into nothingness. Me and everyone else looked on in shock of what just happened. 'Where did that light come from!?' I thought. "WHO JUST DID THAT!?" Pitch yelled in anger. But then another ball of light came, but this time it hit Pitch's left side, making him yell in pain. "I did..." A voice that came from our far left said. We all turned our heads to that direction and we saw shocked us, even more so, me. Josh was standing there with his hand pointed in Pitch's direction, but that's not what shocked us. Josh's entire being was surrounded by a golden aura as another ball of light was in his outstretched hand. 'My Josh... Has powers... Since when?... And what is with the 'My Josh' again!?' I thought with a slight blush at the end. I shook my head and grabbed my boomerang and threw it at Pitch while he was distracted. But, he ducked at the last second. And jumped on another Nightmare that formed and flew downward.

Josh POV

The Guardians and Jack soon followed after him. I closed my eyes as another light engulfed me but this time, centered on my back. Out of that light my colorful angel wings appeared and I jumped down after them. I saw Aster throw some eggs at Pitch which turned out to be egg bombs as they exploded near Pitch as he dodged them and disappeared into the shadows. We all soon landed on the ground at a pond with some plant life and a mural. We looked cautiously around for Pitch but saw no signs. "He's gone" North said

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