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now, while junhui and soonyoung were your typical type of hormonal high school boy, hansol was one of the more quiet ones in the group along with seungcheol. hansol used this to his advantage.

he played the cute, somewhat shy boy who was adored by majority of the girls and some of the male student body. he used this tactic to get into as many people's pants as he could.

seungcheol, however, wasn't like this at all. matter of fact, he wasn't like any of the boys he talked to. he seemed like more of a fit in for minghao's group, but he chose to stay with junhui since they were close friends since elementary school, when jun cried over breaking his crayons and seungcheol offered his without missing a beat. he just wasn't the fuckboy type. he had a boyfriend, jeonghan, and he was quite content with it, even soonyoung accepted it and teased him about it.

(during the early stages of seungcheol and jeonghan's relationship, soonyoung pushed cheol to try and cheat on jeonghan but gave up after seeing how in like (love was too strong of a word, seungcheol always insisted) cheol was with hannie. so, soonyoung left the two likebirds (again, the denial of the word love) alone and just teased his friend whenever he saw fit.)

so, on this fateful day, seungcheol decided to sit with jeonghan and his friends, joking around with them as always. he let the boy sit in his lap as he played in his hair and laughed along at something jihoon said.

minghao was pushing the food on his plate around, not really that hungry. he was in the middle of flipping his meatloaf over into a pile of mashed potatoes when mingyu tapped his hand. he looked up and mumbled out a "what".

"your little friend is here," he said, pointing behind himself while seungkwan took his cake.

minghao looked up and groaned loudly when he saw junhui behind his friend, smirking.

"save those sounds for later," jun said, still looking at the boy.

minghao heard a small laugh after jun spoke, then looked to the boy's side and saw hansol standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"what the fuck do you two want?" minghao grumbled, stabbing the food lump he created with his fork.

"what's wrong?" hansol asked, slapping a mask of concern on his face and voice.

"i'm not falling for that bullshit. what do you want."

"well, okay then." hansol held his hands up in mock surrender before returning the deadly glare that minghao was giving him.

"i can't come over to speak to my friend?" junhui gasped exaggeratedly before walking over and clapping seungcheol on the back, jolting his and jeonghan's bodies forward slightly.

jeonghan looked back at jun, glaring and about to go off on the boy, but cheol laid a hand on his arm and the boy visibly relaxed. he muttered out a small, "choke on a dick," before turning back around to talk to seungkwan and chan, a boy who recently befriended the group.

"you said hi. now leave," minghao said, narrowing his eyes at the boy.

"no need to tell me twice," jun said and pulled hansol by the bottom of his sleeve. "come on."

hansol turned around and started to walk off, before he let out a snort. "pissy much?"

"i heard that, little dick," minghao called out before taking a sip of his bottled tea.

nope; junhao [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now