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"chan!" minghao yelled, running down the hall to the younger boy and almost tackling him in a hug.

"ming- ow!" chan cried out. he fell to the ground as minghao landed on top of him. "what the fuck!"

"did you do the math homework?" he asked sweetly before his expression turned sour. "wait. i'm supposed to be mad at you."

"for what?" chan said, trying to push minghao off of him. "okay, your elbows are literally stabbing me. get the fuck off."

"you didn't tell me that jun was at auditions."

"why?" chan asked, cocking his head to the side before a smug look washed over his face. "you wanted to be by your little lover boy?"

minghao's face flushed slightly before he grabbed the boy's wrists and held them against the floor. he was grateful that the hallways were basically clear due to the bell ringing and him tackling chan when he was walking to his class.

"who said he was my 'lover boy'?" he said softly, face still reddening slowly.

"aw, look! you're blushing!" chan laughed.

minghao let go of his wrists only to start slapping the boy on the chest.

"hey, no fighting in the halls," minghao heard jihoon call at them, hearing his footsteps coming closer.

"shut the fuck up."




"wow, you seem aggrivated," mingyu pointed out. "why are you here so late after school? last time i checked, you didn't play basketball."

"i do play, and i thought i'd try something new. tryouts were calling my name," he said, smiling a little as he tugged off his sweatshirt.


"well, why are you here then?" minghao asked, fixing his hair. it was pointless; it was gonna get damp from sweat later anyways.

"picking up wonwoo's work," mingyu said, grinning softly when he said the boy's name.

"he's still sick?" the younger asked. it had been weeks since he'd last seen the boy.

"yeah. poor baby."

"i wonder if he's just faking it just so he can keep having you baby him."

"shut up hao. go to practice."

soon, minghao reached the gym and set his bag down on the bleachers. the other boys there for auditions were on the gym floor, doing stretches. minghao decided to sit back on a bleacher and wait until a varsity player or a coach came in.

"why aren't you stretching?" he heard a voice above him. it wasn't a bossy kind of tone, it was more of an actual question. he felt the plastic seat move slightly as the person took a seat beside him.

"did it before i came in." he looked over at the boy. "why aren't you?"

"just finished."


"anyways, what's your name? i'm luhan," the boy said, holding out his hand.

"minghao," he said, shaking luhan's hand and smiling softly.

"center court!" a voice yelled from down the court and everyone looked up before rushing to the circle in the middle of the court where the school mascot was printed. the two boys stood next to each other and spoke softly so whoever called them up couldn't hear.

"quiet!" a second voice called out and the entire gym fell silent. "so, you're the bunch who want to be on the team. you sure you're up for it?" minghao looked up and saw that it was seungcheol in the front talking. "no answer? okay. seven laps."


"you guys are tired? already? get the fuck out the gym if you are, because this isn't even the beginning of what you'll have to do," seungcheol yelled at the boys. four boys walked out, panting and sweating as if they had run a marathon. minghao, luhan, another boy named jackson, and a few others were either perfectly fine or had barely even lost their breath.

"time for drills," the first voice from before piped up. minghao looked up and saw junhui before groaning slightly, not loud enough to be heard. "partner up."

minghao immediately went off to look for luhan but saw he was already partnered with jackson. "sorry," the boy mouthed before running to get a basketball.

"looks like i'll have to be your partner. you couldn't stay away from me, huh?" junhui said, walking towards him with a smirk evident on his face.

"haha, very funny," minghao said, walking over to the side of the court where his two new (hopefully) friends were.

"oh, don't act like you don't want this," junhui said, motioning to his body. he walked up to the boy and slung his arm across his shoulders before beginning to speak again, but in chinese.

"bet you do, anyways. you probably want my body pressed against yours, me making you groan and moan excessively. you do, huh?"

minghao grabbed the boy's arm before wrenching it behind his back. his words were laced with venom; given the fact that he was speaking his native language now didn't make it hard to have that sort of inflection in his tone. "the way you talk about it, it seems like you do. i mean, i am an obviously attractive person with a nice body and a nice dick to go along. bet you probably jack off thinking about me, thinking about that." junhui gulped and winced in pain.

"but i sure as hell don't."

he let the boy's arm go and walked off. seungcheol came up to junhui and sighed.

"you need to stop trying."

"i like a challenge."

nope; junhao [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now