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"hey, jun," minghao said as he walked over to the boy by his locker. he looked up and smiled at the sight of him.

"hey, babe, how are you?" junhui asked and held onto minghao's hip before giving him a kiss on the forehead.

minghao looked up at the boy and sighed softly. "this is so stressful," he whispered. "when can we stop doing this?"

"probably not until after the play production is completely over."

"you know i still hate you right?"

"yeah, i know."


"why do i always get stuck with you?" minghao whined as junhui hugged him from behind, knocking his glasses down to the tip of his nose and making him push them back up.

it was their free period, and apparently everyone had gone off except the two boys who had barely walked out of the senior building. jun smiled to himself as he rested his head on minghao's shoulder. "maybe it's fate."

"or maybe its just you being annoying," minghao said, shrugging out of junhui's grip. the older boy pouted and wrapped his arms back around him and minghao just gave up. "shouldn't we get to know each other since we're 'dating'?"

"what do you want to know? junhui asked, turning his head while it was still on the younger's shoulder and bringing his lips in close proximity to the other's face.

"basic stuff, i don't know," minghao shrugged, making jun's head bob slightly. "what's your favorite color?"

they began to shuffle down the hallway in the same position as junhui laughed softly. "really? 'what's your favorite color?' that's the best you could do?"

"well what am i supposed to ask you? 'what's your favorite position?'"

"missionary. top or bottom?"

"i hate you."

"answer the question, babe," jun smiled softly at the petname he had for the boy  and poked his stomach softly.

"i'm a switch. well i guess i am," minghao said, overlapping his hands over junhui's.

"you're a virgin?" jun asked in disbelief and stopped next to a group of lockers, reluctantly letting go of the boy.

(minghao just barely whined when jun's hands slipped from under his, but nobody has to know that.)


"have you had your first kiss yet?"


(junhui felt something flare up inside the pit of his stomach at that, but nobody has to know that.)

"with who?"

"you're gonna laugh at me!" minghao said, smiling and leaning against the cluster of lockers in front of junhui.

"no, i won't, i promise," jun said, placing a hand over his heart and holding the other up as if he was making an oath before laughing softly.

"jeonghan," minghao mumbled and the tips of his ears pinkened slightly, and jun wanted to coo at the sight of the boy.

"sucks that i couldn't be your first," jun said, stepping closer and stopping directly in front of him.

minghao pushed his glasses further up onto the bridge of his nose. "yeah, right," he said, looking down.

junhui's face softened slightly, as if he wasn't already soft as he could be whenever he was around minghao. he softly placed his hand on the boy's side and saw as he looked up at him.


"can i kiss you?"


nope; junhao [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now