Chapter One

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     I stood there, staring blankly into the mirror and tugging on my black T-shirt. I let out a little huff, turning sideways and all the way around. I was never satisfied with the way I looked. But I didn't have the energy to change it. With a shake of my head, I stepped away from the mirror and left my bedroom, skipping down the hall to my roommate's room.

     I sat beside him on his bed, staring at the same screen as him. I stayed silent for a minute as I watched him play his game, then glancing over at him.

"Did you break your glasses?" I asked, noticing a slight crack and unallignment.

     Adam, my roommate, stopped the game and slipped off his glasses. He held them out a bit to be able to see them.

"I guess I did, I didn't even notice," He pouted a little. "Max, can you get me some tape or something?" He asked

     I rose and left for a moment to the kitchen, grabbing some scotch tape and bringing it back to Adam.

"We can go later to get them actually fixed," I proposed.

"Yeah, when I'm finished with the game," Adam said, taping his glasses back into place. He slipped them back onto his face and resumed the game.

     I got up and went to get a small bite to eat, leaning against the counter and scrolling through my phone once he found a granola bar to munch on. I saw I had a twitter notification and saw the letters "R-O" for a quick second before tapping on it. My heart raced as I waited for it to load, only to be dissapointed. I had thought it was this guy that I like, Ross, following back or something. It had just been a dumb band promoting themselves. I let out a little huff and set my phone on the counter.

See, I had known Ross for years, he was like a brother in some ways. But sometimes I could also see myself spending the rest of my life with Ross. But, there was no way I'd ever tell Ross how I feel, I'm pretty sure he wasn't interested in males at all. I'm openly bisexual and was not sure where Ross stood. He has hardly had any relationships for me to go off of.

I heard Adam skip his way down the hall and into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and glanced over at me with a sad expression.

"You okay?" He questioned, pulling out a soda to sip on.

I snapped from my thoughts of Ross and stood straight, shoving my phone into my back jeans pocket. I always put it in that pocket. On the right.

"Yeah, I'm cool," I assured him. "Ready to go?"

Adam gave me a nod and we went out to the car. Since Adam's car was in the shop, I drove us there. I didn't really trust Adam to drive my car... or to be driving me anywhere in the first place.

"Max, I don't see why you're single. You treat me better than I treat my girlfriend," Adam said with a chuckle.

That killed me. I gave a soft smile, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I guess you're a lucky lady," I replied in a teasing manner, but my mind began to fill with Ross, and the fact that I had never told Adam I was interested in guys. I feared that conversation. Even though we were good friends, I was afraid of the judgement. I hadn't even told my family.

Adam went in to get his glasses fixed and I stayed in the car, staring at my phone. I got a message from my friend Tim, who had asked if Adam and I wanted to hang out with a bunch of guys later. Honestly, I only accepted in hopes of Ross being amongst the crowd.

*Later that evening*

"Where are you?" Tim, a good friend, had texted me.

I finished perfecting my ginger hair just as I received Tim's text. I decided to stay a little later than Adam to make sure I was ready and presentable enough, because I was expecting Ross to be at this hang out. If he was, I didn't want to look like a slob.

"On my way" I texted back, and headed over to Tim's.

When I arrived, I was greeted by all the guys, half of them drunk already. I made my way through the house and sat on a sofa, and I could already see Ross wasn't there, and it made me a bit sad. But I held out hope for him showing up later. If not, this party would be a blow.

Seconds after these thoughts, Ross came in with our friend Quentin, and Ross instantly came over to me. Me?! Why me. Just be cool, Max. Be cool. I felt my muscles tense up a bit but I told myself to chill out.

"Hey, how's it goin?" Ross asked with a wide smile, seating himself beside me. My heart was racing.

I looked to the coffe table in front of me, my eyes catching a glimpse of a beer. I chugged it before responding.... and that's all that's remembered. It went downhill from there, because the next morning I woke up with a horrible headache, my clothing missing, and lying on the floor of Tim's guest bedroom.

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