Chapter Twenty-Eight

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     I laid back in a field of sunflowers, staring up at the sky. I watched as the clouds slowly moved with the Earth. I watched as they skimmed over the pure sky. It was the bluest it had been in years, here in Washington. It was refreshing to be able to see that brilliance again.

     A bee buzzed by my ear, but I didn't flinch. I listened to its hum as it hovered over me for a few seconds before zipping off. There was no reason to swat at it, it was a piece of nature, something I treasured.

     The thought of Red having the privilege to be apart of nature for the rest of his life made me smile a little. Memories of his gorgeous face flashed around, causing me to close my eyes. For the first time since he passed, I was smiling about it. I wasn't sad. Maybe I was sad for me, but I was happy for him.

     The last time I had been in this meadow, my mother had brought Red and I. There was a lake a few acres from the road, and we loved swimming in it. We'd lay amongst these flowers and dry off before it was time to go home. Those memories brought an even brighter smile to my face.

     I slowly got up and walked over to a big oak tree looking over the pond. I rested my hand against it, looking out at the water. I promised myself to bring my kids here some day. I wanted to keep it alive in my life.

     I arrived home just as Ross was finishing up dinner. I pecked his cheek before escaping into our bedroom to change into more comfortable clothing. We sat on the couch and enjoyed steak and mashed potatoes.

"Your cooking only gets better," I said with a smile.

"You think so?" He asked, heat rising to his cheeks.

"Definitely. I wish I could cook," I pouted playfully, assuring him I was being truthful.

     I sunk into the couch after speaking, letting my mind wander wherever it wanted. I thought of the future, and what was in store for this bunch. Where'd we go and how'd we end up. We've all had a change go through us. We're not the same people. I don't know if we all see that, so who knows what'll happen to us.

     I'm not the same person I was a few months ago. I don't think anyone is this world is. Our lives have a million turns and drops, and we're constantly changing because of those. Our courses don't stay the same for very long. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe that's a bad thing, but we always learn something from it.

     Whether we like it or not, we're going to change. Because of someone we used to love, something we held onto for years, a memory that drove itself into our hearts forever. We change. We change.

     I'm not very wise, or smart, or made any massive discorvery, or starred in a million movies, or ran for president, or been a model, but I do observe this world. I observe what it has in store, and it's always reminded me of what I have because of what I've been through. Maybe you see that eventually. If not, keep running, kid.

The End :)

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