Chapter Seventeen

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Ross finally convinced me to spend one day away from the hospital. I was glad he did honestly. Spending all my time there was really depressing me, a day in the office lifted away all that weight and I felt a lot better. Although, every so often Red would pop into my head and the feeling would flood back for a beat.

We did a few challenge videos and a Do Not Laugh, which took my mind off of things. Just hanging out and being goofy with my friends felt good after being sad for so long.

After a while, Ross, Adam, Barney, and I decided to go out for lunch. I volunteered to drive and Ross immediately responded, claiming my passenger seat. We headed out into town, arriving at the mall. It had loads of options in the food court which was perfect for our indecisive bunch.

Adam and I went off for sushi, while Barney and Ross went to find something to their liking. While we waited, Adam decided to strike up a private conversation he seemed to be keeping in for a while now.

"I hate to be nosy and in your buisness, but I have to ask," He started. "What's going on between you and Ross?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, this coming out of nowhere

"I mean I know you've liked him for the longest time, but like is it official now?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Well," I said, laughing out of embarrassment. "It's official now, yes," I told Adam.

I looked up with a nervous look, scared of how he might react to this. I wasn't sure how Adam felt about any of this, and the last thing I wanted to do was put my friends in an uncomfortable position.

"Well I'm happy for you both, honestly I'm just relieved you didn't settle with Shelby," He laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. I don't know why that offended me but it did.

"I just don't think you guys are good for each other," He said simply.

"Well why not?"

"Why does it matter? You're with Ross now, Shelby shouldn't even be a thought," He advised.

I nodded at his words and shook away my anger. That made me think, and beat myself up over it. Why was I so stuck on Shelby? She shouldn't mean anything when I have Ross right in front of me. Why do I still have these feelings towards her? She was nothing but a chic from a bar, she's one of those stories. That's all she should be. A dumb story from the past.

I pulled myself out of my head when our order was called. I got my food and pulled out my phone, calling Ross to locate he and Barney. We all met up and found a spot in the court to sit and eat. I sat beside Ross, and Adam took the seat across from me.

The whole time we sat and ate, Adam seemed off towards me. I knew it must've been a reaction towards my defensive attitude towards Shelby, but I was afraid he would say something in front of Ross. When Adam's mad, he's almost unpredictable.

I sat in almost total silence the whole time, and I regret it because Ross had noticed. I assured him I was fine with a peck to his cheek.

We finished our lunch and headed back to the office. The rest of the day, Adam kept an attitude towards me, and at this point it wasn't hurtful. It was annoying and pissing me off. I went into his office when he was along in hopes that we'd be able to talk about the issue.

"Are you upset I have feelings for Shelby?" I asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"Max, I'm upset about a lot of things right now. They're not all about you but," He huffed, spinning around in his chair to make eye contact with me.

"Well what is it that you're upset with me about?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

He let out a sigh and tore off his headphones. He stood and closed the door before returning to his chair.

"I'm afraid Shelby is going to be a distraction and I fear that you're gonna hurt Ross," He told me, his voice unnecessarily low.

I was a bit offended that'd he'd ever think I'd do that to Ross, or anyone for that matter.

"I'm not gonna do anything, there's hardly any feeling for her in that way. She's just a friend, I get defensive about my friends, that's all," I assured.

He didn't seem to believe me, but dismissed the conversation. I shook my head in frustration and went back to work. I texted Shelby to check on Red, letting her know I'd be over after work to relieve her.

When I got to the hospital later that evening, Shelby was passed out in Red's room. I awkwardly shook on her shoulder and she shot up. She sleepily left them room, just as Red was waking up.

"Hey buddy," I said with a soft smile.

I sat in the chair Shelby had been sleeping in and scooted towards Red. I looked around at all the medical equipment, happy to see everything was going smoothly.

"Are you able to talk?" I asked him as he sat himself up with his remote.

He shook his head and pointed over to his phone, wiggling his thumbs. I nodded and handed his phone to him.

"How long was Shelby here?" I asked.

He sent me a text, about 13 hours

"Are you able to eat anything?"

Just soft foods and liquidy stuff

"Want me to get you anything?"


I nodded at him and went to find a nurse. When I did, I told her what I needed and what room. I went back to Red and sat back, watching him. He showed a smile and I could tell that if he were able to laugh, he would've.

Just sitting here, staring at my best friend I realize how important people are. How much they effect your life and how they are such a blessing and sometimes a curse. People are a fascinating concept. People. Just think about it. Think about how all the people around you are important, even though you don't always think that way. It'd be completely different if just one person wasn't in the picture. If Red wasn't in mine, it wouldn't be the masterpiece it is today.

**A/N: Do you guys feel the drama building up? Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!! Thanks for your support 💕**

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