Chapter Sixteen

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I woke the next morning, massaging the ache in my neck from sleeping in a waiting room chair all night. The past few days I'd been at the hospital 20 hours of the day, I had to be. But this meant I spent loads of time with Shelby.

"How long have you been friends with Red?"

"As long as I can remember, we've always been bros," I said to her, fiddling with the hem of my t shirt.

"Oh, well that's nice," She said. "I wouldn't have been able to tell it's been that long, you hardly talk," She said.

I let out a huff, it seemed like she knew exactly what I was beating myself up about. She was in my mind, and it scared me because I didn't invite her in. She always managed to find a way to mess with me and use her girl magic to confuse me and make me question myself. What the fuck, Shelby.

"Well I've been busy recently, there's been a lot going on, Red knows that," I said.

"Does he? And even if he does, does that fix it?" She questioned, trying to get me to feel bad about it. It worked though.

"He seemed understanding," I said

"Well it didn't seem that way when he talked to me about it,"

"I'm trying to fix it okay, I'm not completely heartless,"

"Well try harder,"

"Shut up," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I folded my arms across my chest. I felt like a child but she silenced.

To have problems is one thing, but when other people voice them to you, you're hit with it and it seems like it's harder to deal with. Shelby was the last person I needed confronting me. I realized she was trying to be a good girlfriend, but bros before hoes, Red.

When the door was open, I got up as quick as I could before Shelby was able to. I greeted Red with a smile and sat in the chair beside his bed. He frowned at me.

"What, can I not sit?" I teased, but kept a straight face.

He first pointed to his throat, signaling he couldn't talk. He then scooted his legs inward and patted the edge of the hospital bed. I just laughed and got up, sitting on the bed.

"You doing alright?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Do you know when you'll be out of here?" I asked, and he nodded again. He pointed over to the wall with a calender, and in one of the boxes it said "Michael's Release".

"A month and a half? Is it really that bad?" I asked softly.

He didn't respond, he just looked away and towards the window. I let out a heavy sigh, gently tugging on my hair. I decided to take advantage of Red not being able to talk.

"Red, I wanted to apologize for not being the bestest friend lately. I shouldn't have pushed you out of my life like I did. I hate that we're in this position while you're sick, and I just want you to know how sorry I am and that I'm going to try and be the best friend I can be, because you deserve that," I said, not making eye contact.

When I looked up, he had tears in his eyes. I was hoping that was just his medicine making him sensative or something.

"Red I didn't mean to make you cry," I said, standing up from the bed.

I frantically wiped his tears for him and left the room, allowing Shelby to go in. For a while, I sat in the waiting room, thinking to myself.

I was torn from my thoughts when Ross walked into the waiting room. I smiled brightly to keep my horrible thoughts in my head. Ross sat beside me, showing me the card he had gotten Red.

"That's sweet, Ross. He'll like that," I told him, slipping my hand into his.

"How's he doing?" He asked.

"He says he's okay, but you can tell he's trying to keep us calm. He can't talk most of the time," I sighrd.

"That'd Red for ya, he's humble. He could be dying and he doesn't want any attention on him," Ross smiled at his words, and I did too. I envyed Red's personality.

"Ross.. do you think he'll make it?" I asked, my smile tugging away from my lips.

"I really think he will, don't stress about it, Max," He told him, squeezing my hand tightly.

"I'm just scared, I'm not prepared for the worst. I don't think I ever will be. I can't sleep at night because I'm afraid something will happen when I'm asleep," I admitted.

"Max, even if he does pass, you'll always have him stored in your brain as a memory. When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure. That treasure you hold in your heart forever, and it sucks but it's life," He said.

I nodded, squeezing his hand again. I knew he was right. And his words of advice always made me feel better, no matter the situation.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"Red isn't going anywhere. He's one of the strongest people I know. Don't worry your pretty little head,"

**A/N: gahhh this is too cute. I hope you guys are liking this fanfic so far! thanks for your continued support 💕**

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