Alternate Last Chapter

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So... this is what the last chapter was supposed to contain. I always wrote in my notes and then pasted in wattpad, but I lost this last chapter so the one published is not the original. I JUST found this one going through the trash in my notes app (SO FULL lol) so I decided to share it. Enjoy :)

This was my favourite love. Even though we both so desperately wanted to get up and walk away, we safety-pinned it back together and went about like it was what we had before. If you can find something like that, don't let go of it.
"The couples that are meant to be are the ones that go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger," Red once said to me. I'd never forgotten those words, because I saw how true they were.
Honestly, if there wasn't any drama or imperfections, I'd be tired of this relationship already. Sure I complain about the difficulties, but in the end they're what I treasure most. Real love is always chaotic. You lose control, you lose perspective. The greater the love, the greater the chaos. It's a given, but it doesn't sway my outlook on it. I feel nothing but happiness, and it's a feeling like no other.
Screw every chic flick and their sappy love stories. Remember this one and every other like it, because they'll actually teach you something. Real love isn't based on candle-lit dinners, romance and walks on the beach, it's based on respect, trust and compromise. It's easy to walk and eat, but not easy to sacrifice what you want or fully give in to someone. Love is about the hardships.
Ross and I were happy, and that happiness lasted forever. We didn't let silly things get in the way of us anymore. We were able to enjoy our lives together, and we were the key component to maximum happiness in each other's lives.
Adam and Alesa eventually got married and popped out Baby Mason, the cutest guy on Earth until he tied with Wyatt who was blessed to have Shelby and Red as his parents. As for Ross and I, we kept it kid-free but welcomed a few cats in our years. The drama was behind us and we looked back on this as our own story, our story we had to share with the world.
So, here I am. Seventy-Five years old and thankfully still holding the knowledge to work a computer. These damn things are so complicated, honestly.
And here you are, whatever age you are, reading my life and hopefully learning a thing or two.
Hear my love story, and mix it with your own. Jumble it into a big pile of wisdom. Read it to your friends or your kids, and make something of it. Take the advice and share it through the most beautiful macaronic poetry the world has ever heard.

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