Chapter Twenty

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I woke to the smell of syrup, the sound of sizzling bacon, and a faint humming coming from down the hall. It took me a second to remind myself I was on Barney's couch. I stretched my arms and legs out before getting up, walking down the hall.

"Good mornings, Dirt," Barney greeted with a soft chuckle.

"Morning," I said. "Nice apron," I said, pointing out the silly apron he wore as he cooked.

"I's hoping yours is hungry. I's made the breakfast foods for yous. Yous eat like a coach ins my house," He laughed.

"Well thanks, looks good," I complimented.

We sat down to eat once Barney was finished cooking. He showed me random monkey videos and rambled on about video ideas, it was sweet to see him to try and get my mind off of things.

After a while we fell into silence. I glanced over at him and could tell something hit him hard.

"How's is Red doings?" He asked softly.

"He's doing really well," I assured.

"I hasn't seens hims since he was putted into hospital," He shared with me, which I found unacceptable.

"I was thinking about going over there today, you can come if you want," I offered.

"Thanks yous," He instantly cheered up, which put a smile on my face.

I cleaned up the kitchen for Barney as he got ready to go see Red. He came out with a wide grin, seeing a spotless kitchen.

"Cans we stopping at the store. I'm wanting to's buy a cards for Red," He said.

"Yeah totally, he'd like that,"

After what seemed like hours of driving in circles and searching for the perfect card, we headed up to the hospital. Barney seemed excited yet nervous. I tried to prepare him, for he wasn't used to seeing Red in the state he was in. Knowing Barney, he'd get emotional if he was going in blind.

We got to his floor and I escorted Barney to Red's room. I let them have a few minutes to themselves, seating myself I'm the waiting room. I was relieved to see only Red's parents. I greeted them and was updated on Red's condition.

"They may be able to release him a week or so early, he's been improving greatly. He spoke this morning, it was rough but he was able to," His mum said to me, tearing up about it.

My heart leaped with joy, doing flips and spins around in my chest. The sooner Red was home, the better.

"That's great news," I agreed with a big smile.

"Is Shelby in there now or something?" His mum asked.

"No, no Barney is in there, his roomate," I told her.

"Oh right, Barney. We've never actually met,"

"I'm sure he'll love to catch up with you guys when he's done. He doesn't speak very good English, but he's easy to figure out," I advised.

Soon enough, Barney came out to us and pointed me in the direction of Red. I laughed, letting him take my seat next to Red's mother.

When I walked in, Red was sitting upright with a huge smile. He seemed to be impressed by his own accomplishments. It made me feel like a proud father to see him improving, all this progress saved me.

"Hey," He said happily. His voice was still hoarse, but as long as I could hear his voice I was happy.

"Hey. You're speaking, you're sitting, you're smiling. I'd ask you how you are but I'd assume you're doing great by all that," I laughed.

"Everything is great," He said. "Well.." He trailed off.

"Oh so there is something wrong?" I asked.

He gave a little nod as I watched his smile slowly fade away. Shit.

"Ross called me yesterday, he was bawling his head off so I didn't catch everything. But I was able to get the gist of the call," He said in a quiet voice. He seemed almost scared to talk about it but I knew something had to be said on his part.

"Ross told me about yesterday, about you and Shelby. Now I don't know your side but... until I know the true story I'm kind of pissed about it," He said.

"Oh Red. I'm so sorry. I'm especially sorry he told you about all of this while you're enjoying this happy time," I let out a sigh, silently scolding Ross to myself.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Shelby and I went out for lunch after she left the hospital before she went on home. It's been awkward between us and we wanted to become friends for your sake. Ross saw us out and figured we were on a date. It was a big misunderstanding, Red. I promise there's nothing between Shelby and I," I explained.

"I believe you Max," He said, which was definitely unexpected. "But Ross obviously doesn't. You need to find a way to convince him like you convinced me. Don't give up on him, Max. I guarantee, if you give up on him then he's gonna give up on him too. Be there for Ross," He told me.

I showed a wide smile before pecking his forehead and leaving the room. I'm glad I had a best friend like Red. He always knew what to say, he was one of the only people able to convince me to not give up.

He gave me reasons to keep going, to not give up. Best friends are a blessing, and I'm the luckiest guy on Earth.

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