Chapter Eleven

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     The next morning, I woke up on the couch with my back and neck aching like hell. I didn't want to kick Ross out of my bed though, so as long as he slept good it was worth the pain.

     I walked into the kitchen and began making coffee for Adam, Ross and I, hoping they'd both be up soon for work. I even prepared some eggs and toast out of the kindness of my heart. How was I becoming, a house wife?

     I laughed aloud at my own thought, humming as I finished up breakfast.

     Adam soon came down and stood in the kitchen with me, telling me about his date last night with his girlfriend, Alesa. He was all over this girl, and sometimes it was kind of adorable. Adam had always been a ladies man, but there was something different about this. I was excited for him and wherever this went for them.

     Soon enough, Ross joined us and we all sat, eating and listening to Adam continue to ramble on. It was alright though.

     As I sat, I realized the tension between Ross and I was gone. in fact, it seemed like there was something pulling us together. It was a nice change in atmosphere, and I knew I was going to try and not ruin anything this time. I wasn't deserving if this second chance, so I was going to be careful.

     I cleaned up the kitchen when we were done, and we waited on Ross to get ready before heading into the office. I walked to my station, and found a sticky note stuck to my monitor reading "Let's talk later -Red". I shrugged it off for now, but it kept coming to mind from time to time as I edited.

     Red and I had become distant friends recently. I hadn't realized until now, and I couldn't stop feeling guilty. We used to be the best of friends back in the day, and I kind of felt like we hardly knew each other anymore.

     Once I was finished with a couple videos, I ventured off to find Red. I hadn't seem him all day, and him requesting to talk made me suspicious and worried.

     I walked down the hall and asked Ethan if he had any idea where Red was, I felt like I had searched everywhere.

"Uh.. yeah actually he said he was going to chill in the broom closet, I don't know why, he's weird sometimes," He said with a shrug and turned back to his monitor.

     I didn't respond, just took his direction and went to the closet. I opened the door and saw Red sitting on an upside down bucket.

"Red?" I asked, looking down at him. I turned on the light and stepped forward.

     He turned around and looked up at me, shielding his eyes from the bulb hanging in the closet. I could tell he had been crying. His eyes changed colour, from a deep brown to a light hazely-green colour. I hadn't seen them do that in a while, he was hardly ever sad, he was Red.

"Woah dude, what's going on?" I asked quietly.

     I shut the door and moved over, sitting on a crate and stack of a couple books. I stayed silent and stared at him until he was ready to speak.

"Well, I found out some news. And I wanted to tell you first... because I trust you most here. You're my best friend," He said, his voice shaking with every word he spoke.

"Go on," I said in a whisper, I was shaking. And it looked as if every word he spoke pained him. My thoughts were all over the place.

"Well, yesterday I went to the doctor for my usual check up, and I was told..." He paused and started crying.

"Red, it's okay. Just tell me," I said soothingly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Th-they told me that... that I have lung cancer," He whispered, before bursting into tears once more.

     My heart instantly dropped to my stomach. I stood up and wrapped him in my arms, gently tapping his back as he sobbed. I couldn't tell him it was all going to be okay, because what if it wasnt? We both knew this was terrible, and an interesting journey. I'm just glad he told me.

     That night, I couldn't stop thinking about the possible outcomes. I didn't know what this would do to him. Could this kill him? Was this it? I began to cry myself, and eventually conked out. My night was filled with stirring from the horrible nightmares I envisioned. I couldn't lose Red. Not my best friend. This cruel world wasn't going to take yet another person from me.

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