The Funeral

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It was the day, the last day I see my wife. I'll never see her again. She's gone forever.
As Joel put on his suit he stared at his daughter realizing how much she reminds him of Jessica. Her fiery brown eyes, her smile full of laughter and happiness, just everything about Jessica reminded him of her mother. He was both happy and sad. Happy that she will be gorgeous just like her mother, but sad that every time he sees her he will remember his lost love.
As Joel and baby Jessica walked in the church the pastor greated them and he noticed Jessica's parents standing in front of her coffin talking to her cold, motionless body. He walked up to them, put down baby Jessica, and hugged them both, her mom crying on his shoulder, and her dad trying his hardest not to cry. As the church started getting filled up it hit Joel that this was the last time he'd see her body. He realized he knew she wasn't going to make it, he knew he should've comforted her more, he knew he should've cherished her more. Her dad said Joel did the best he could but he didn't feel like he did.
The pastor starting the ceremony but Joel zoned out, he couldn't focus. He was zoned out until he heard his name. It was time for him to speak.
As he walked up he felt all the eyes staring at him. He started to speak. "As you may know Jessica and I were only married for a short period of time, but I cherished that time. It was the best time of my life, before she came into that office I thought I would never fall in love. She not only saved me but she created a life, a beautiful life. Even though she didn't have much time she definitely made a huge difference in this world. Jessica I will miss you and I will never forget you. May God bless your soul. I'll see you soon my love. Thank you." As he walked down to his seat he saw Jessica's mother balling. As he sat down Jessica's mom gave Joel his baby and gave him a hug. And just like that the funeral was over.

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