Band Meet n' Greet

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We arrived in mom's 2000 black 4th gen camaro to the site of the concert an hour early and hopped in the already long line. This is my first time meeting anyone famous, and secretly I feel unworthy.

Eitherway, the Meet n Greet consisted of a small private show, and a signing. I brought in 3 thing to get signed. One of them was a school paper I wrote in 8th grade, and the other two were of the lead artist of the band. I was so nervous and excited when the line started moving, that my heart practically jumped to my throat.

We all piled into the conert floor in frontbof the stage for the private show. There were only 150 of us, so mom and I were able to get all of the way in the front no problem. No shoving, pushing, or feeling cramped, and as a bonus...they played my favorite song. After that, we all got into line for the signing. The line wrapped around the venue like a snake to its prey. Everyone also got their own signed "hard cover" poster, in addition to what they brought.

My heart could have powered an mansion when I got to step up. I explained the paper briefly, and took a sharp breath. I revealed the drawings and said I only wanted him to sign it. I swear to you, I heard the crick in his jaw when it dropped. His eyes widened and this beautiful softspoken awe escaped his lips, "Woah!" He was surprised that I drew it. He had truely been amazed. I felt blood not only gush to my cheeks, but to my neck and collarbones. That was such a powerful experience.

One last time, we all got into line to take pictures. In most picture, he would wrap his arm around you and look at you. I was so nervous, I gave the dorkiest, most fan-girlish smile. Mom said it looked like there was a connection, but I just rolled mybeyes. There were 150 of us. No way.

If the Meet n Greet wasn't enough, the concert was pretty thrilling too. All times before, I had been in VIP seating, so this was my first time on the floor. And let me say this now: I will never have it any other way. I was able to work myself so close to him, that I could touch his fingers when he reached out to his fans. I started from the back. I was so proud of myself.

I loved that concert. I can't wait for my next one.

Keep Smiling!

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