2014 Summer Edition: Entry #1 5-27-14

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So. I have the most perfect way to start my new journal. I shall privide you with the most disturbing details of my birthday night. But first, lets just start off with my birthday, yes?

My birthday was Yesterday, and now I'm officially 16!!! Woot woot!!

I woke up at freaking 7am. So I took a shower, and my friend Kalynn came over. Then my Dad got there. We watched TV, and played with the cat. Then RJ got there. My Dad then brought in 2 small boxes and a card. I shook the two boxes. One of them seemed empty, and I couldn't stand the suspense. RJ was joking that it was air. An my dad was like "Well..." In a 'you-sorta-got-it-right' tone of voice.

So, with that, both Kalynn and RJ got out my birthday list off of Facebook, and Kalynn guessed it.

"Bubble Wrap!!"

So I opened it... AND IT WAS!!! So she was allowed to pop one for getting it right.

After that, we went to my room, and played with the cat. Libby then came in, and we were being ourselves. She made me motorboat her. Thanks Libby.

Later, we opened all of my gifts. Libby got me makeup, and also one of those solar powered sunflowers. RJ got me cookies, Monster, Mountain Dew, pens and pencils! Haha. And the card from my grandma had $50 to BestBuy and Barns n' Noble. And finally, the second box my dad got me held shells. It made me happy, because I forgot this hells in his fishing box from the last time we went fishing.

John... Oh John. He had gotten me a gift before he'd died. Mom went to wrap it last minute. I opened it as carefully and slowly as possible. It was a tablet. A TABLET. Oh my god John.... I'm going to miss him.

Then, 5 minutes later, dad came back in with a big box. The shirts!!!!! The shirts came in!!! Do you remember? The black shirts that had "I forgot my Sanity at home!" In white letters on it! I'm soooo happy. I put it on as soon as I got it.

Then, just as Kalynn left, David got there. He got there late because just the day before he was miles away camping. So, it was just David, Libby, Alex, and I. So we all went to my room. For some reason Alex took off her bra. But we just had girl talk in front of David. Quiet literally. The three of us were discussing how we take off our bras without taking off our shirts. Yeup.

So, eventually, Alex had to go, and David drove her home.

When he came back, we had McDonald's, and went to my room.

And then... Well, uhhh. Let's just say that's rated R. Or rather.... X-Rated..... Yeah, let me just leave it at that thankyou.

They left at 9:30, an I went to bed. Maybe I'll have and entry dedicated to what happened in me room.

Oooooh, that sounds interesting.... An x-rated Entry. HA! No one should be allowed to read it. Especially since I have family that read my journal...

But then again... MY journal is MY life. I can put whatever I want in MY journal. That's like a girl lying to her diary. That's just stupid!

Oh well, I'll make a decision soon.

Keep Smiling!


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