Entry #63: 5-4-14

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When I woke up, I was freezing. And up until I left the house, I was non-stop sneezing, along with a non-stop crying baby.

I guess I'm allergic to TOO MUCH FUR IN ONE AREA. God there's so much fur, I even got a scratchy throat. I had played tug-a-war with the extremely hyper dog, and he was finally calm for the rest of the day.

I had the BEST DREAM EVER. I couldn't stop thinking about it. In my dream, David asked me out in the most romantic way ever, and we were cuddling and holding hands. We were finally dating!! And even when I woke up, realizing it was just a dream, I was still smiling. I was so happy from the dream.

I wish it came true. I really do. I think I love him way too much.

The baby was crying for a bit, and then it was time to go.

When I came home, I ate some food, watched TV, took a shower, sang, and went to bed. I know, so much action today.

Honestly, I mainly thought about David all day today. I hate loving him. I really do. It's hard loving someone who won't love you back..

I sigh in defeat.

Keep Smiling.


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