Entry #9. 10-3-14

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So, I'm sitting here on my couch, jamming to my music right? I caught up on all my books. And I've been putting off my journal for days, but I literally JUST said "fuck it" and started this entry.

SO. I left off of telling you how I hope Homecoming will go. Guys.... It's been like, 3 weeks. I still remember how it went, but I'm mad at myself for not updating! So this is how this'll go. This will be a ??? Part entry. In one.

I- Homecoming

II-David got sick!!!

III-My emotions lately

III P2- Collin and I's argument

IV- David's Birthday


VI- Today, right now.

So let's hop to it!!



Okay, homecoming was this whole shpeal of emotions. I went with David, Spencer, Alex, a girl named Bailey, and a girl named Maddie. I'm not sure if I told you about Bailey yet, but Maddie is Alex's friend, who I know too. She's an AWESOME singer.

So we all went to David's house for food and pictures. And as a group of 6, we actually had our "couples" within the group. It was David and Spencer, Alex and Maddie, and Bailey and I. Anyway, that was that, and yeah.

My outfit was simple. The theme this year was "All around the world", and I got this thin blanket from Costa Rica as a souvenir. I made that into a vest. I had a long black dress, that on the sides had slits on the sides of my legs that went up to my knee. It had a 'built-in' belt around my ribs. I actually LIKED this dress. I do! I would actually wear it again. My makeup was a smokey eye, and some pink thing that went on my cheekbone area, to make it look like I came out of the water. (My Costa Rica vest was ocean themed) My hair was slightly slicked back to make it look wet too.

So before we were all about to take pictures, ALL of us decided to change David's tie. He was wearing all black with a baby blue and black striped tie. His dad said they can choose from his ties. We were looking through them, joking about using football ones until we came past an OCEAN TIE! We all exclaimed that it would match me. He was talked into wearing it. That was pretty funny.

Now, I'm not gonna talked details about the dance. Why? Because there's not too much to say! The first song I danced to was apple bottom jeans. I left the dance floor during all of the slow songs. Once however, I went to get a drink, and suddenly half of the dance floor people flooded out and into the cafeteria. Bailey and I looked at each other and said the same thing. "Love song."

For all you DavidxMe fans out there... No, we didn't slow dance. And that's fine with me, honest. What pisses me off the most is that they always, ALWAYS, end the night with a slow song, then it's over. Done. Go home now. Like... WHAT?! Poor single people!!! They're leaving the best dance ever feeling sad and lonely! (like me!) Ugh.


So like, two weeks ago David got really really sick! Awww! Poor guy! And I was all lonely too, when he was sick. He had 102 fever the day the Marching Band went to NIU for a Marching Band competition! He's STILL coughing.


Ugh. Emotions. Let me just put it simply so I don't scare ANYONE. Please please please try to remember that I have self-diagnosed BiPolar disorder. Happy, angry, excited, depressed. All within, like, a day. But it works in cycles of week-to-week. But recently it's gotten very bad. But I'm working on being controlling. The main reason I haven't really been medically diagnosed is because one; I think my mom would think I'm seeking attention or something, like I have Munchausen syndrome. And two is because I don't want to be taking pills for being who I am! Come on!!


Collin pissed me off the other day. On a daily basis he throws things at me. Sometimes it hurts, and sometimes it doesn't, but it's still fucking aggravating! I tell him to stop, and he gets all pissy at me. He literally tried to make me look bad. He accused that it's okay when David does it, but not him. My reply..? David doesn't hit me. No one hits me, shoves me, or touches me unless given permission. He said it was bullshit. Then he brings David into it and LIES and makes up a dumb story. It went something like this; "You know, no wonder you're always alone at home. You're so unemotional. You can't even go to parties if you're like that. I don't know why you don't like people touching you, that's so dumb. And you're always listening to music. I was talking to David once and he said that you are too much into music. Not even he's that's strict"

1, I'm never home. I come home at like, 5-10pm every day. 2, why would anyone be touching me at parties? If they're my friend, they'd get it. 3, COLLIN...YOURE THE REASON WHY PEOPLE CANT TOUCH ME. 4, David loves music way more than I do. If anyone, he's the one who loves music 'too much'. Side note: There's no such thing as too much music.


For David's birthday, when he got to our spot, and I was already sitting, I hugged his leg tight and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" He's 18 now!! He's an official adult!! Noooo he's growing up!! Isn't that just terrifying?!

I made him a card that was designed to look like a bass drum, and wrote him my own note on the inside. After Marching band, (so, at 10pm) we had delicious stuff at his house that he made. I was part of his immediate family 'celebration'. I wipe an imaginary tear of happiness from my face. I feel special!



Well folks, I officially have a ship name with David. Shipping is when someone, or multiple people think two people would be an awesome/cute couple. I think there is a total of 20 people who "Ship" David and I. All ships have names. The names are normally mashups of the shiped people's names. Our ship name is COZELLA. It's a mashup of our last names.

As I sigh, I think to myself, "What a low level to be at. And a weird level."


FINALLY! Up to date babes! So let's see: I'm jealous of Libby because he's got a boyfriend, Libby also dyed her hair purple, I almost left my phone at school today, I'm hungry, I want David to come over, aaand I'm hungry.

ALSO: Wattpad stuff: guys!!!! I have more readers!! HI NEW PEOPLE!!!!!! You put this journal in a reading list! That excites me!!! Ha!! And at this exact point, I have 5,600 reads on this entire journal. That's an accomplishment for me! Yay!!

Well, that's all for today. I'm not. Sure if I'm missing anything, but hopefully I will update more often because I don't want to spend 3 hours updating. Haha!

Keep Smiling!


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