Entry #60 5-1-14

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Let me be honest with you. It is about 9pm, and I'm tired. So, Imma tell you about my day, and blah. Okay? You'll understand in a second.


When I woke up this morning, I tried getting up early. Why? Not only could I not afford leaving the house like I did yesterday, (where I literally woke up, got dressed, and ran out the door, barely making it) while I had no makeup, but my glasses also broke yesterday. So I had to wear contacts. And putting on eye makeup get so weird. When I finally looked halfway decent, I left the house, and went to school.

This morning, as usual, Alex sat on David's lap. Why does that make me jealous? Whatever, no matter how complicated my relationship is with him, in the end... It's just aggravating anyway. [I've been wanting to write another entry about him, but I've been getting to these entries so late, lately, I have no time. Or energy. Or care]

I ate RJ's Sandwich in 3rd hour study hall. And I hate everyone in my Spanish class. I'm overjoyed that I didn't sign up for it next year.

There was plenty of laughs in band class today, which would completely impossible to tell you without making it seem like I have an admirer, or that we have a man-stripper who plays brass in our band class. It was really awkward. His name? Tim. Tim, is another one of those people you shake your head at. And let's just say he did a really weird sexual dance, that made me feel so awkward that I laughed. But it was fucking hilarious at the same time.

And then, a friend, Sheridan, she decided to do some modeling with bassoons. Also very funny. Take note, that all of this is before class actually started!

Later, in 10th hour study hall, Sydney and I were talking about an anime called Hetalia. It reminded me of a comic I started to read a long time ago, called Scandinavia and The World. Nicely abbreviated to SaTW. (Which I pronounce as "Sat-Taw" for some odd reason) I decided to introduce her to it. I think it's just as awesome!

After school, I got fitted for Uniforms for Marching Band. I'm getting a thrill. Even though I have NO CLUE how to play any mallet instruments, typically in pit, I'm still excited. And I can learn! And even though I'm not marching on the field, which I desperately wanted to do, I guess marching band, to me, was mainly about hanging out, and meeting new friends!

When I got home, I ate pizza, watched Big Bang Theory with my brother, and thought about David.

La-di-da. The love of my life. David. Aavida. Hood. Mr. Music. The asshole. Motherfucker. Him.

Yeah. I'm still asked everyday if him and I are dating.

Guys. When or If that day comes, I will do cartwheels. Across the country. For the record; I can't even do one, let alone for miles.

No. We're not dating. As much as I really want to, and as much as that subject has been provided and thought about by us.... No. We're not dating.

Calm your tits. De-stress your breasts.


And so, Yeah. I thought about my heart stealer, wrote this journal, and went to bed. All smiles, I promise! I'm feeling genuinely happy!

Keep Smiling!


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