Entry #66: 5-7-14

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I thought I had time this morning for breakfast and eye makeup, but I still ended up running for the bus. Ugh.

Today was our last day of tower. (If you don't remember, it's like a homeroom after first hour, every Wednesday) and we all got our PLAN testing results. There are 4 subjects. English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. All but Math I scored 'above average'. Unfortunately, I got a 'below average' for math. The only reason I'm not exploding fire, is because I know that, with the time given, I hadn't finished the test. I had about 10 unanswered questions. So.. That definitely effected my score. But, guys. I was literally 1 point below the average. If I answered all of the questions, I can guarantee I would be at least 1 point above average.

So, in total: I was 7 points above average in English, 1 point below average in Mathematics, 12 points above average in Reading, and 1 point above average in Science.

I had accidentally yelled at Libby about how I was mad that I didn't answer those last questions, and a minute later, I was just like, "I love you". And she exclaimed that I was just an emotional roller coaster today!

I was also given my approximate ACT scores. It's predicting, with my current progress, that I should be getting a 27-29. Which is AWESOME. I would love to shoot for a 30. That... Oh god. I would be shying up to Harvard-worthy ACT scores. Oh lord I'm so nervous now. And I'm still a Sophomore!

Pushing aside my obvious number/knowledge obsession.... back to my day. In 3rd hour Study Hall, RJ got me hooked on Candy Crush. Goddamnit RJ. But, you see, I have this thing. I love beating RJ in all of the games he plays. I'm so evil to him.

Before getting to my Spanish class, I caught Mac. I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!! Today he wore a Batman shirt. But now I don't know any other super heroes he can be. The Flash? Captain America? Hulk?? Haha.

In lunch, I realized I was wearing my look-at-my-boobs shirt. My favorite shirt! David and Spencer were throwing chips at each other, and I instinctively covered my boobs. I told David that, way before my birthday party, where he and Dezi met, and started dating for no reason.... Her and I hung out at a different party. And I was wearing this exact shirt. We started the most random game. She was throwing paper balls into my shirt, trying to get right in the boobs. I don't even know why, but it was fun.

David laughed, and then had said, "I don't even know why we started dating."

I replied without thinking, "It was cuz she had her ass hanging out of her pants."

David, Danielle, and I all laughed as soon as I said that, because it was so true. I think he still feels guilty about that. Well good. Because it still makes my blood boil.


In band, we get to start learning to play graduation music! There was a sarcastic 'yay' from the Sophomores and Juniors, who'd played it before. The Freshmen were clueless. And the Seniors evilly giggled quietly.

Ahh, graduation. This is going to be so scary!! Danielle is going to be leaving us! Next year David is leaving me!! THE YEAR AFTER THAT IM OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL. They say highschool goes by so fast, that you won't even know until the day you graduate. Not for me. I'm already freaking out that David is going to be a Senior next year. And I'm going to be a JUNIOR. Oh my god....!!

It's really scary for me. Like, I'm almost 16! David is 17!! I knew him when he was 16. He knew me when I was 14!!! 14!!! That's 2 years!! (Technically 1 1/2 years.) TIME IS A SCARY THING.

In 10th Hour Study Hall, I listened to music, and talked to Sydney a bit. Oddly, I can't remember if much else happened. Oh, wait!! The teacher took a selfie with two students. Presumably Seniors.

When I was walking home from the bus, I got into a very..dirty.. daydream about David... based on last Monday, when we put him into duct-tape-handcuffs. The only thing I'll actually say, is that this time, I had the duct-tape-handcuffs.

...So when I got inside the house, I decided I was finally going to work on my solo part in the band. If you don't remember, Libby, David, Bailey, Dwight(DJ), and I have a band called Times Tried. One of the first covers we're doing is called "Misery Business" by Paramore. In the beginning, there is a string part, that sounds like it was recorded on an old recording device. I am to play that on my viola. I got it down, and sent it to Libby. I think she liked it. I'm pretty happy.

I then worked on it randomly. I got the first few notes of Fur Elise by Beethoven down too. I also created a pierce I call 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Variation'. I really enjoyed it. I even recorded if and put it on Facebook! Haha.

I had to stop playing when Collin and his friend Noah came over. They watched a movie while I wrote most of my journal.

Then I decided to start working on Chapter 3 of "Fuck Off... It's My Life, Not Yours.". Finally. This ones gonna be good. Haw haw!

My writing was interrupted by pizza. MMMMM! Afterwords I had to shower and such.

Today, I had an extra steamy shower, it was like a raining hot tub! It was great. Although I had forgotten to put on my music. I have finally realized I can't be alone in silence. My mind has taken me places. Places I can't tell you about. ..As I blush and look around nervously..

Hey! Did any of you know that this journal was originally supposed to be written as if it were a book? I mean, it'd be awesome if I got this journal published. There are so many books out there that are written just like this. As 'diary' entries. So, I guess that'd be cool... Right? Although I'm not sure about THIS getting published... Like ever. There's too many real names, and copy written things that I would need to get permission to publish, or else I'd get sued, and all that junk. Pfff. Any of my readers think this is publishable?? Ha! Yeah right.

I do do my best to keep text lingo and emoticons out of my journals. There had been so many times I wanted to add "lol", or even smiley faces. Like... No. This isn't a blog. Technically, it's a book. So... BLAH.

Holy crap, I just pulled an RJ. He says 'blah' whenever he's got nothing to say, holy shit.

Well, since the end of this entry is all sorts of choppy, since I was writing my thoughts exactly a they were on the spot, let me just end it abruptly in a way.

Keep Smiling!


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