Entry #18: 3-13-14

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To be honest with all my readers,no didn't want to write today

But here I am anyway. This morning, I was marked again! I will be much happier with this cat WHEN HIS BALLS ARE CUT OFF. Ewww. I didn't want to get out of my bed either. Waahhh! When I finally got to school, Libby was waiting in the far corner waiting for me to arrive. Really Libby? Turns out she wasn't hatching a plan. Damn.

In first hour, I slept. In second hour, I breezed through the math worksheet, and then I drew. I drew a really cool character that is REALLY HARD TO DESCRIBE.

Then in 3rd hour, I drew more. This one is really good. It's really detailed-manga styled, drawing. The drawing has two people in it. A teenaged girl, and a teenaged boy. The boy has his arm around the girl, and is holing a slip of paper that reads "She's mine". And well, originally it was supposed to e David and I. Then I stopped. We aren't dating. And by tomorrow, all of our hair will be gone! [For something called St. Baldricks. I will explain later]

.. So the drawing is unfinished, with detailed and shaded bodies, with no face or hair. "They're slender people!" Sydney exclaimed in 10th hour study hall, when I showed her.

I didn't eat lunch today, but I'm afraid. Seriously. These pains in my tummy are not normal.

And I had decided today, that my hearing is defiantly slipping away. More in my left ear than my right. Maybe I should tell my mother... Nah. Eventually.

So I made sure I ate at home. I was a little hungry. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I need to start getting in control of myself!

I got home, I ate, then I played the new favorite game. Which my brother is trying to beat me in. He's jealous that I'm better than him in something. He needs to get a grip. He's 20 years old. Come on.

So then I decided that I was going to actually do homework. The dirt draft I a major English paper is due tomorrow. So I have most of it done, an I'm going to finish it in 3rd hour study hall tomorrow. The reason why I didn't Finish it today? Well, I interrupted myself by listening to sexual songs. Such as Lollipop Luxury by Jeffree Star. As well as Sexting and CandyLand by Blood on the Dance Floor. Look them up if you're up to it!


Then we ate dinner, watched TV, blah blah blah.... Then I took a bath. I made sure my hair was super clean today. Because tomorrow it will be all shaved off! Gotta look nice on my last day with hair! Yay for St. Baldricks! I'll explain it tomorrow, before my actual entry.

Then I lied in bed, got comfy (kinda) and wrote this entry. While I was writing, Mason curled up in my lap. Aww, how cute and not-violent!!

[My emotions are at an all time high though. I'm really giddy about David, and also pissed that he brought back my lost hope. Because feeling like your average teen girl isn't my kinda thing. So because of this, my emotions for anything else like to get exaggerated.]

I'm exhausted in every shape or form. Oh well. Whatever happens, happens.

Keep Smiling!


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