Chapter 12

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Blackness. The sense of being trapped overwhelmed my body as I slowly began to awaken from my groggy state. Where could I be? The last thing I remember being knocked out by that mysterious man. I hadn't got a good look at his face and didn't recognize his voice so I was uncertain about who this man may be. I remain silent though as I try to survey my surroundings, but the dim lit room was no real help when it came to helping me get my bearings. I grip the mattress beneath my hands as I push myself up easily.

"Careful, you'll fall on your face if you get up too quickly.' A voice says from within the shadows. I instantly look in the direction it had come from," Well, I wouldn't have to worry about that if I hadn't been knocked out, now would I?" I replied sharply.

"I suppose so, I am so deeply sorry about the inconvenience." The words laced in sarcasm that came from the person annoyed me. He was mocking me, testing me. Too bad my temper didn't agree with my plans of staying calm. My sand slowly crawled down my hand ready to take this man out and get the hell out of here. But suddenly as I was about strike out my sand suddenly crumbled. Scattering across the floor as the man stepped forward out of the shadows. I give him a muderous glare,"You can disarm my sand, impressive." I say, my throat tight as my anger slowly continues to increase. Who did he think he was? Besides what did he want from me in the first place?

"Who are you and where am I?" I say as I glare at him, he was a tall man, with dark hair and dark, sad looking eyes. "You are in the home of Kaneko Clan. Welcome." He smirks at me, I suddenly began to feel nauseous,"The clan that is able to to sing the tailed beasts to sleep...or death." I whisper as I back away quietly.. "Yes, that is true. But don't worry, we wont harm you, yet." He says, turning and leaving my room.

I cringe at his statement, but silently press my palms into the mattress, pushing myself off the bed. All I could hope for now is that someone, anyone would come to save me.


I'm really sorry that this a short and shitty chapter. But I am so busy that I barely have to time to even think about my stories anymore. I apologize. Now that it is summer I will try to update them more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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