Chapter 9

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                                                                         "Aw, Well isn't it my darling daughter, How have you been sweetie." I hear my mother's voice , So sickly sweet and laced with venom. I sneer and say"I've been just dandy, Mommy dearest. What about you? How have you been , Mother." I spit with venom in all my words. "Actually , A better question would be where have you been, Where have you been all my damn live you wretch!"I growl my teeth and nails still fangs and claws. Oh I was pissed. She just chuckles with a childish smile and then says" Go ask you father." I snort in digust"Sorry, But I can get the information all my own."

"Ah, Hazuki of the Hisako." Says Sasu- Sensei. None of my team mates looked pleased to be encountering my mother. From what my father had told me , My mother was a very strong opponet.

"You, Disgust me in every way possible. What are you doing here Hazuki?" I say to my mother, Not even acknowledgeing that she was my mother anymore.

"Oh, But I only came to get you my dear." She sneers"Your father made a deal with me . That he could have you for some years of your childhood and I the rest. It is time that that deal is to be completed. So, your coming with me."

"Excuse me?" I utter before I feel chains wrap around me with their cold silence, My mother had a specality for using jutsu's with chains and metal. I growl trying to get free , I look at my team, But before I could do anything My mother used a transportation jutsu before they could get to me.

I look around at the small house. I was alone with her. I tense silently and say"I can't stand you. After all this time you think you have the right to come and sweep me up out of the blue. Let me get back to my mission. I have no use of you." She raises an eyebrow and begins to laugh" Oh Honey, You need me more then you think." She gets up with a sigh , taking off her ninja gear and going to sit across from me. I was quiet as I try to devise a plan to escape, But did I honestly want to leave? Had my father really made this kind of deal with my mother? One thing I knew was that I felt alone and that I missed my team.


I wake up silently to see that the chains that had once wrapped around my body were now lying in a heap on the floor, Only my hands were chained . I must of fallen asleep.

"Now, Do I have to keep those chains on your hands? Or Can I take them off you without you giving me any problems while I train you?" Says my mother, Who was sitting at a table where food was layed out.

I sigh quietly and say"Fine, But it doesn't mean that I trust you or anything." I hold out my hands and the chains silently fall off. I rub my wrists silently in anger as I think.

"Okay, Get up we have training to do."My mother says and begins to walk outside, I follow silently, Wondering what she had in store for my training.


I wince as a cold sweat covers me, I hold my right arm in pain from where my mother had cut me with one of her metal jutsu's. I curse under my breathe as I could tell there was posion in it, I fall to one knee as I pant . She smirks triumpantly and walks over as she begins to heal my injuries. I then see her gaze soften with a sad expression on it.

"Kohana....I want you to know how sorry I am." She says while she stil heals me.

"Over a few cuts?"I shrug"I think i'll be fine."

"No...... About never being there for you... For abandoning you."She says just above a whisper. I look at her sadly, But mentally shrug it off.

'It's fine, I got over it ages ago."

"You don't act like you did...I just hope you know I  love you." She wraps me up in a hug.

I akwardly hug her back, As I say nothing, But I could feel tears begin to run down my face as I think to myself."I love you to, Mom."


Well, I am so very sorry for not updating very often. I will try to do it more, But it's very unlikely. Anyways, The only way I will I upload next is if you, all my fans tell others about my books.




Enjoy!~    Also that is Kohana's new look! XD Also when she was fighting her mother.

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